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We found 16,309 VC firms investing in Energy on Angels Partners

Bilal Zuberi
Investing in BioTech • Energy • A.I. (&...
 San Francisco Bay Are..., U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Fiddler Labs: $10200000 (Series A)
  • ALL DAY MEDIA: $2300000 (Seed Round)
  • Recursion Pharmaceuticals: $239000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Plexium: $63000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Recursion Pharmaceuticals: $60000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Hugging Face: $19710000 (Later stage VC)
  • Primer: $14700000 (Later stage VC)
  • Kyruus: $13990000 (Later stage VC)
  • Citizen: $12000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Embodied Intelligence: $7000000 (Seed Round)
  • Visor: $6500000 (Seed Round)
  • Physera: $2800000 (Seed Round)
  • ALL DAY: $2300000 (Seed Round)
  • Kinetic Automation: $10000000 (Series A)
  • Paradigm: $200000000 (Series A)
  • ZEDEDA: $26000000 (Series B)
  • ZEDEDA: $16000000 (Series A)
  • Cloaked: $25000000 (Series A)
  • OpenSpace: $100000000 (Series D)
  • OpenSpace: $55000000 (Series C)
  • OpenSpace: $16000000 (Series B)
  • OpenSpace: $14000000 (Series A)
  • OpenSpace: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Ironclad: $150000000 (Series E)
  • Ironclad: $100000000 (Series D)
  • Applied Intuition: $180000000 (Series D)
  • Applied Intuition: $130000000 (Series C)
  • Applied Intuition: $40000000 (Series B)
  • Applied Intuition: $12000000 (Series A)
  • Saildrone: $100000000 (Series C)
  • Saildrone: $60000000 (Series B)
  • Copia Automation: $14000000 (Series A)
  • Fiddler AI: $32000000 (Series B)
  • Fiddler AI: $10000000 (Series A)
  • SkySelect: $10000000 (Series A)
  • Evolv Technology: $30000000 (Series C)
  • Evolv Technology: $24000000 (Series C)
  • Evolv Technology: $18000000 (Series B)
  • Evolv Technology: $12000000 (Series A)
  • Lightform: $9000000 (Series A)
  • Lightform: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Lightform: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Nozomi Networks: $30000000 (Series C)
  • Nozomi Networks: $15000000 (Series B)
  • Nozomi Networks: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Strangeworks: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Veo Robotics: $12000000 (Series Unknown)
  • AirMap: $26000000 (Series B)
  • AirMap: $15000000 (Series A)
  • AirMap: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Pinscreen: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Aria Insights: $22000000 (Series B)
  • Aria Insights: $7000000 (Series A)

Bilal Zuberi

San Francisco Bay Area - Palo Alto - California, U.S.A.

Investing In

BioTech • Energy • A.I. (& Big Data) • HealthTech (& Fitness) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Analytics • Cloud Services (& Infrastructure) • Future Of Work • Robotics


Partner @lux-capital. Early stage tech investor. Previously VC @general-catalyst-partners, co-founder @rough-draft-ventures-1, MIT PhD.

Julie Lein
Investing in PropTech • Hospitality (& Event...
 San Francisco Bay Are..., U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Visage: $1500000 (Seed Round)
  • BookNook: $1200000 (Seed Round)
  • The Town Kitchen: $1000000 (Seed Round)
  • Dropcountr: $600000 (Seed Round)
  • Milk Stork:
  • Kyte: $9000000 (Early stage VC)
  • APANA: $3500000 (Early stage VC)
  • Valor Water Analytics: $1600000 (Seed Round)
  • Intrinsic: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Solarcycle: $30000000 (Series A)
  • Solarcycle: $7000000 (Seed)
  • Ferrum Health: $6000000 (Seed)
  • Dataships: $3000000 (Seed)
  • PairTree: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Joyride: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Electriphi: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Voatz: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Voatz: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Catch: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Catch: $1000000 (Pre Seed)

Julie Lein

San Francisco Bay Area - California, U.S.A.

Investing In

PropTech • Hospitality (& Events) • Education • Energy • IoT (& Wearables) • Food & Beverage • GovTech • Real Estate (& Construction) • Mobility


Most Interested In

Startups shaping the future of cities. Investing at the pre-seed & seed in a variety of verticals, including: - Transportation - Future of work - Real estate tech - Energy & water - Business & fintech services - Food - Health & public safety - Govt & civic tech - Arts & recreation

Julie is a co-founder and Managing Partner of the Urban Innovation Fund. The Urban Innovation Fund is a venture capital firm that invests in transformative urban technology. It provides seed capital and regulatory expertise to entrepreneurs solving our toughest urban challenges – helping them grow into tomorrow’s most valued companies. Previously, Julie co-founded Tumml, an urban ventures accelerator. During the last three years, Tumml has incubated 33 startups, who have raised $37M+ in funding and launched products/ services for over 2.2M people. Her work in urban entrepreneurship has been featured in numerous press outlets, including CNN, TedX, Forbes, and The San Francisco Chronicle, among others. Julie has an MBA from MIT Sloan and a BA from Stanford.

Boris Wertz
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Vancouver - BC, U.S.A. - Canada
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • CryptoKitties: $12000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Jam (Business/Productivity Software): $3500000 (Early stage VC)
  • Tindie: $500000 (Seed Round)
  • Jobber: $100000000 (Series D)
  • Firstparty: $6000000 (Seed)
  • Helcim Inc.: $13000000 (Series A)
  • Syndicate: $20000000 (Series A)
  • Pienza: $5000000 (Seed)
  • DemandStar Corporation: $2000000 (Seed Round)
  • DemandStar Corporation: $2000000 (Seed)
  • EnPowered: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Roost: (Pre Seed)
  • Kobalt: $740000 (Pre Seed)
  • Twenty20: $22000000 (Series A)
  • Figure 1: $10000000 (Series B)
  • Figure 1: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Figure 1: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Figure 1: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Citizen Hex: (Seed)
  • Pike13: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Pike13: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Pike13: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Pike13: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Clio: $20000000 (Series C)
  • Clio: $6000000 (Series B)
  • INDOCHINO: $13000000 (Series B)
  • INDOCHINO: $13000000 (Series A)
  • RewardLoop: $1000000 (Series A)
  • Unbounce: $850000 (Seed)
  • Smore: (Seed)
  • Summify: (Angel)
  • Empire Kred: $200000 (Seed)
  • Vivity Labs: $1000000 (Angel)

Boris Wertz

Vancouver - BC, U.S.A. - Canada

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Education • Businesses Solutions • Energy • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Developer tools • Online Social • Woman Focused


Most Interested In

Blockchain, VR / AR, genomics, AI / ML

Not Interested In

Gaming, content / media, commerce / retail

Jérome Joaug
Investing in Energy • A.I. (& Big Data) &bul...
 London, U.K.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • PacketAI: (early stage)
  • Luko: (early stage)
  • Nymbly: (early stage)
  • Cambridge Nanosystems Ltd.: (early stage)
  • Hadean: $30000000 (Series A)
  • Hadean: $20000000 (Series A)
  • Hadean: $9000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Humanlinker: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Eatron Technologies: $11000000 (Series A)
  • CodeMonk: $130000 (Pre Seed)
  • Wluper: $1000000 (Seed)

Jérome Joaug

London, U.K.

Investing In

Energy • A.I. (& Big Data) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • DeepTech • Mobility


Partner at Aster Capital, Entrepreneur and Angel Investor

Venture Partner at Aster Capital

Mike Speiser
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Palo Alto, U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • It's a secret:
  • Confidential (In stealth mode):
  • It’s also a secret:
  • Sigma Computing: (early stage)
  • SentinelOne: (late stage)
  • Excelero: (mid stage)
  • Magisto: (late stage)
  • ScyllaDB: (mid stage)
  • TabTale: (late stage)
  • Weka.IO: (early stage)
  • Medisafe™: (mid stage)
  • Splacer - Connecting People and Spaces: (early stage)
  • Observe: $50000000 (Series A)
  • Observe: $70000000 (Series A)
  • Observe: $35000000 (Series A)
  • Lacework: $1300000000 (Series D)
  • Lacework: $530000000 (Series C)
  • Lacework: $42000000 (Series B)
  • Lacework: $24000000 (Series A)
  • Lacework: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Sila Nanotechnologies: $590000000 (Series F)
  • Sila Nanotechnologies: $170000000 (Series E)
  • Sila Nanotechnologies: $70000000 (Series D)
  • Sila Nanotechnologies: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Clumio: $140000000 (Series C)
  • Clumio: $40000000 (Series B)
  • Clumio: $11000000 (Series A)
  • Ghost Autonomy: $33000000 (Series C)
  • Ghost Autonomy: $15000000 (Series B)
  • Ghost Autonomy: $9000000 (Series A)
  • Snowflake: $450000000 (Series F)
  • Snowflake: $110000000 (Series D)
  • Snowflake: $79000000 (Series C)
  • Snowflake: $26000000 (Series B)
  • Snowflake: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Sumo Logic: $75000000 (Series F)
  • Sumo Logic: $80000000 (Series E)
  • Sumo Logic: $30000000 (Series D)
  • Sumo Logic: $30000000 (Series C)
  • Sumo Logic: $15000000 (Series B)
  • Platfora: $30000000 (Series C)
  • Platfora: $38000000 (Series C)
  • Platfora: $20000000 (Series B)
  • Platfora: $6000000 (Series A)
  • Pure Storage: $230000000 (Series F)
  • Pure Storage: $150000000 (Series E)
  • Pure Storage: $40000000 (Series D)
  • Pure Storage: $30000000 (Series C)
  • Pure Storage: $18000000 (Series B)
  • Pure Storage: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Infer: $10000000 (Series A)

Mike Speiser

Palo Alto, U.S.A.

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Energy • Web Security (& Privacy) • Cloud Services (& Infrastructure)


Managing Director at Sutter Hill Ventures

Managing Director at Sutter Hill Ventures

Michael Granoff
Investing in Energy • Autonomous vehicles (&...
 Tel Aviv, Israel
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Oryx Vision: $50000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Owl Cameras Inc.: $18000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Seurat Technologies, Inc.: $13500000 (Early stage VC)
  • otonomo: $12000000 (Later stage VC)
  • RightHand Robotics: $8000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Cognata: $5000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Fenix (Other Transportation): $3800000 (Early stage VC)
  • Upstream Security: $2000000 (Seed Round)
  • Clair Labs:
  • Terraline: $7000000 (Seed)
  • Revel: $130000000 (Series B)
  • Revel: $34000000 (Series A)
  • Revel: $4000000 (Seed)
  • FENIX: $4000000 (Seed)
  • BLISSWAY: (Series Unknown)
  • Guardian Optical Technologies: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Guardian Optical Technologies: (Series Unknown)
  • Aurora Labs: $3000000 (Seed)
  • WhoDoYou: $900000 (Angel)

Michael Granoff

Tel Aviv, Israel

Investing In

Energy • Autonomous vehicles (& Cars) • Logistics (& Distribution) • DeepTech • Mobility


Managing Partner at Maniv Mobility

Founded in 1994, Pomona Capital specializes in investing across the spectrum of private equity in three ways: by purchasing secondary interests in existing partnerships, by investing in new partnerships, and by co-investing alongside buyout funds in individual companies. Pomona manages $6.7 billion in capital commitments for 250 investors, managing $4.4 billion across eight secondaries funds and $2.4 billion across six primary funds and other investment mandates. Pomona has committed $1.8 billion in primary capital to over 200 managers with investments in 1,500 underlying companies, and has purchased $2.1 billion in secondary interests in over 700 funds with investments in over 5,000 underlying companies. Through the primary funds, Pomona makes commitments to the new partnerships of leading buyout, venture capital and mezzanine funds located in the U.S., Europe and Asia. Making single investments from $1 million to $500 million, Pomona structures transactions in innovative ways to suit sellers' needs.

Nicholas Chirls
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 New York - Brooklyn, U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Frontback: $3000000
  • Bison Trails: $25500000 (Later stage VC)
  • Parsec: $25000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Simple Contacts: $8000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Carmera: $6400000 (Later stage VC)
  • Spruce Holdings: $4500000 (Early stage VC)
  • Clora: $3300000 (Seed Round)
  • Radar Relay: $3000000 (Seed Round)
  • Arta Shipping, Inc.: $3000000 (Seed Round)
  • Commonwealth Crypto: $1500000 (Seed Round)
  • Wallaroo Labs: $1500000 (Seed Round)
  • Uru: $800000 (Early stage VC)
  • Celeri: $2000000 (Pre Seed)
  • ChargeLab: $4000000 (Seed)
  • ChargeLab: $1000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Alectio: $650000 (Pre Seed)
  • Redesign Science: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Zipdrug: $11000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Zipdrug: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Zipdrug: (Pre Seed)
  • Simple Health: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Simple Health: (Seed)
  • Bulletin: (Seed)
  • Bumpers, Inc.: (Pre Seed)
  • Podia: (Angel)
  • Hickory: $120000 (Pre Seed)
  • Katapult: $8000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Nylas: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Quibb: $800000 (Seed)
  • SeeMe: $2000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Mindie: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Chain: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Context app: $1000000 (Angel)
  • Socratic: $2000000 (Seed)
  • URX: $3000000 (Seed)
  • $4000000 (Series A)
  • $4000000 (Series A)
  • Grand St.: $1000000 (Seed)
  • LayerVault: $540000 (Seed)
  • Bondsy: (Seed)
  • Moped: $1000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Couple: $4000000 (Seed)

Nicholas Chirls

New York - Brooklyn, U.S.A.

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Education • BioTech • FinTech (& Financials services) • Energy • A.I. (& Big Data) • HealthTech (& Fitness) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Cloud Services (& Infrastructure) • Developer tools • Woman Focused


Partner at Notation

Most Interested In

We invest in pre product-market fit and tech heavy companies based in NYC. We like to lead the first round of financing, typically pre-seed or seed.

Nicholas Chirls is a Co-Founder and serves as General Partner at Notation Capital. Previously, he also served as Co-Chief Executive Officer at Alphaworks. He served as a Head of Investments at betaworks. Prior to this, he served as the Head of Investments at Betaworks.

Trevor Zimmerman
Investing in AgroTech • Hardware (& Manufact...
 Boulder - Colorado, U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Rhumbix, Inc.: $7350000 (Early stage VC)
  • Sustainment Technologies: $2170000 (Seed Round)
  • Safesite: (Seed Round)
  • OnePointOne: (Seed Round)
  • DATTUS: (Other)
  • Aether Bio: $49000000 (Series A)
  • Vecna Robotics: $65000000 (Series C)
  • Vecna Robotics: $50000000 (Series B)
  • Rhumbix: $11000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Instance: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Briq: $30000000 (Series B)
  • Briq: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Xwing: $40000000 (Series B)
  • Sustainment: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Humatics: $30000000 (Series B)
  • Humatics: $28000000 (Series A)
  • Locomation: $10000000 (Seed)
  • Aperia Technologies: $36000000 (Series C)
  • Wunder: (Series B)
  • Ethic: (Seed)

Trevor Zimmerman

Boulder - Colorado, U.S.A.

Investing In

AgroTech • Hardware (& Manufacturing) • Energy • IoT (& Wearables) • CleanTech • A.I. (& Big Data) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Impact • Mobility • Nanotechnology


Most Interested In

I'm most passionate about energy and environmental stewardship and human health. As a whole, Blackhorn Ventures invests in entrepreneurs who are improving resource efficiency with science and engineering-based solutions.

Patrick Walsh
Investing in Energy • A.I. (& Big Data) &bul...
 San Francisco Bay Are..., U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • ClimaCell: (mid stage)
  • National Grid Partners:
  • Black Duck Software: (mid stage)
  • Omnidian: $25000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Omnidian: $33000000 (Series B)
  • Omnidian: $15000000 (Series A)
  • Omnidian: (Series Unknown)
  • Exodigo: (Seed)
  • LineVision: $33000000 (Series C)
  • LineVision: $13000000 (Series B)
  • Copper Labs: $6000000 (Series A)
  • Copper Labs: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Urbint: (Series Unknown)
  • $57000000 (Series B)
  • Vreal: $12000000 (Series A)
  • Filament: $15000000 (Series A)
  • Yottaa: $13000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Yottaa: $10000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Yottaa: $16000000 (Series C)
  • InContext Solutions: $15000000 (Series F)
  • Apperian: $12000000 (Series C)
  • Apperian: $4000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Swrve: $10000000 (Series B)
  • Swrve: $6000000 (Series A)
  • Swrve: $3000000 (Seed)
  • BlackDuck: $20000000 (Series F)
  • BlackDuck: $12000000 (Series E)
  • BlackDuck: $5000000 (Series D)
  • BlackDuck: $12000000 (Series C)
  • Revolution Analytics: $8000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Revolution Analytics: $16000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Revolution Analytics: $5000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Revolution Analytics: $9000000 (Series C)
  • Revolution Analytics: $9000000 (Series B)
  • Revolution Analytics: $3000000 (Convertible Note)
  • Revolution Analytics: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Prism Skylabs: $15000000 (Series B)
  • iStreamPlanet: $8000000 (Series B)
  • iStreamPlanet: $6000000 (Series A)
  • iStreamPlanet: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Gaikai: $30000000 (Series C)
  • Gaikai: $10000000 (Series B)
  • Likewise Software: $10000000 (Series C)
  • Likewise Software: $6000000 (Series C)
  • Likewise Software: $12000000 (Series B)

Patrick Walsh

San Francisco Bay Area - Boston - Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Investing In

Energy • A.I. (& Big Data) • Web Security (& Privacy) • Analytics • Cloud Services (& Infrastructure)


Director, National Grid Partners

Director, National Grid Partners

Stonly Baptiste
Investing in PropTech • Hardware (& Manufact...
 San Francisco Bay Area, U.S.A. - Israel
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Wright Electric Airplanes: (Convertible Note)
  • LiveStories: $3000000 (Seed Round)
  • Bowery Farming: $7500000 (Seed Round)
  • ChargeLab: $15000000 (Series A)
  • ChargeLab: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Electric Visionary Aircrafts: (Convertible Note)
  • Electric Visionary Aircrafts: (Seed)
  • Partsimony: $2000000 (Seed)
  • CoInspect: $150000 (Seed)
  • CoInspect: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Pi Variables: (Convertible Note)
  • 3AM Innovations: (Convertible Note)
  • Flair: $810000 (Seed)
  • Flair: $300000 (Convertible Note)
  • Flair: $230000 (Convertible Note)
  • Flair: $330000 (Seed)
  • Flair: $130000 (Convertible Note)
  • BuildStream: (Angel)
  • Park Diamond: (Seed)
  • Campsyte: $100000 (Seed)
  • Bumblebee Spaces: (Seed)
  • Wright Electric, Inc.: (Convertible Note)
  • Starcity: $4000000 (Seed)
  • FORWARD Platform: $3000000 (Seed)
  • ecomo: (Seed)
  • BlocPower: $200000 (Pre Seed)
  • One Concern: (Seed)
  • Future Motion: (Series A)
  • Future Motion: (Seed)
  • HandUp PBC: (Convertible Note)

Stonly Baptiste

San Francisco Bay Area, U.S.A. - Israel

Investing In

PropTech • Hardware (& Manufacturing) • Energy • CleanTech • A.I. (& Big Data) • Impact • Real Estate (& Construction) • DeepTech • Mobility • Woman Focused


Urban Sustainability and Resilience focused VC. Co-Founder of Urban Us.

I'm co-founder of Urban Us, an asset manager specialized in early-stage startups upgrading cities for climate change. With a team that spans both coasts, the platform includes an early-stage venture fund, a BMW funded accelerator and an early stage credit fund. I've founded five companies, speak 4 languages, code, and have taught and lectured at the University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, and HBS. My leisure time is spent reading, playing instruments, and training Muay Thai.

Lukasz Gadowski
Investing in Energy • Developer tools •...
 Berlin, Germany
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Volocopter GmbH: (mid stage)
  • Aroundhome: (early stage)
  • Team Europe: (early stage)
  • Various Entities: Private, Point Nine Capirtal, Target Global:
  • Vertical Media GmbH: (early stage)
  • (early stage)
  • Feel: $10000000 (Series A)
  • AdScale: $5000000 (Series B)
  • TAU Systems: $15000000 (Seed)
  • Bardeen: $4000000 (Seed)
  • MILES: (Series Unknown)
  • MILES: $6000000 (Series A)
  • Autoflight: $100000000 (Series A)
  • Flytrex: $40000000 (Series C)
  • Incari: $18000000 (Series A)
  • Sharebite: $15000000 (Series A)
  • X Shore: $18000000 (Series A)
  • Theion: (Pre Seed)
  • $10000000 (Series A)
  • Wolt: $9000000 (Angel)
  • Volocopter: $94000000 (Series C)
  • Enpal: (Series A)
  • Circ: $63000000 (Series A)
  • klarx: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Unicorn Workspaces: (Seed)
  • Albora Technologies: (Undisclosed)
  • Lemoncat: $7000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Lemoncat: $3000000 (Seed)
  • DocPlanner: $10000000 (Series B)
  • Helpling: $45000000 (Series B)
  • Helpling: $17000000 (Series A)
  • Delivery Hero: $30000000 (Series D)
  • Delivery Hero: $33000000 (Series C)
  • Delivery Hero: $6000000 (Series A)
  • Delivery Hero: (Seed)
  • Wunsch-Brautkleid: (Angel)
  • Mister Spex: $9000000 (Series B)
  • Hitmeister: (Series Unknown)
  • tutoria GmbH: (Series B)
  • tutoria GmbH: (Series A)
  • ARZTE.DE: (Seed)
  • AdRocket: $1000000 (Seed)
  • apomio: (Angel)
  • webme: (Angel)
  • brands4friends: (Seed)
  • Trivop: (Angel)
  • Smava: $5000000 (Series A)
  • amiando: (Seed)
  • (Series A)
  • StudiVZ: (Seed)

Lukasz Gadowski

Berlin, Germany

Investing In

Energy • Developer tools • Robotics • Mobility • Consumer


Internet and Mobility Entrepreneur

Lukasz Gadowski is a Co-Founder and serves as Managing Director at Team Europe Management. Gadowski is a Co-Founder and served as Advisor at Point Nine Capital. He serves as an Entrepreneur in Residence at Target Global. Lukasz is an internet entrepreneur and investor. His track record includes Co-founder at Delivery Hero

Scott Garber
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Washington District o..., U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Early Light Ventures:
  • Baltimore Angels:
  • Osmosis - Knowledge Diffusion: (mid stage)
  • Serco:
  • Spotter Ventures:
  • Trusted Metrics, Inc: (mid stage)
  • WIN-Global Fund and 4DCO:
  • FriendTones, Inc.:
  • Puppystock, Inc.:
  • Ethix360: $3000000 (Series A)
  • Ethix360: (Pre Seed)
  • Outlogic: $10000000 (Series A)
  • Outlogic: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Ash & Erie: (Pre Seed)
  • Syncurity: $2000000 (Seed)
  • rMark Bio: $2000000 (Seed)
  • CYR3CON: (Pre Seed)
  • Feedtrail: $500000 (Seed)
  • Insightin Health: $2000000 (Seed)
  • RoundTrip: $2000000 (Seed)
  • RoundTrip: (Pre Seed)
  • LaneHub: (Seed)
  • Smalltalk: (Pre Seed)
  • Appsulate: (Seed)
  • Conversive: (Pre Seed)
  • Osmosis: (Seed)
  • Pype: (Seed)
  • MajorClarity: (Pre Seed)
  • Missionmark: (Pre Seed)
  • Trusted Metrics: (Seed)
  • agryo: (Pre Seed)
  • Hodlbot: (Pre Seed)
  • Manzil: (Seed)
  • LoanConnect: (Pre Seed)
  • AllFly: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Hark: $2000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Parsable: $60000000 (Series D)
  • Carlease: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Level: $9000000 (Seed)
  • Level: $3000000 (Seed)
  • $8000000 (Series A)
  • $1000000 (Seed)
  • Ovia Health: $10000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Ovia Health: $3000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Ovia Health: (Series Unknown)
  • Ovia Health: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Ovia Health: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Ionic: $9000000 (Series A)
  • Ionic: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Derby Games: $7000000 (Series A)
  • PerBlue: $3000000 (Series Unknown)
  • PerBlue: $800000 (Series A)
  • Hireology: $1000000 (Series A)
  • Contently: $9000000 (Series B)
  • Contently: $2000000 (Series A)
  • Markkit: (Seed)
  • Locality: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Locality: $800000 (Seed)
  • Udemy: $12000000 (Series B)
  • Udemy: $3000000 (Series A)
  • Locu: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Lifecrowd: $5000000 (Series A)
  • 12Society: (Seed)

Scott Garber

Washington District of Columbia - Baltimore, U.S.A.

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Education • Businesses Solutions • Energy • Retail (& E-Commerce) • HealthTech (& Fitness) • Web Security (& Privacy) • Insurance (& InsurTech) • Medical Devices (& Hospital Services) • Healthcare (& Wellness)


Managing Partner @ Early Light Ventures (pre-seed/seed stage enterprise software startups - with a mid-atlantic focus)

Founder, Early Light Ventures (Backing Underdog B2B Seed-Stage Founders)

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Taylor Matter - Founder & CEO, Hurdle Apparel

"Raising Capital for a consumer venture can be rather difficult and Angels Partners helped connect the dots and helped us meet 2 investors who investors $200,000 in our brand."

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