Israel Startup Ecosystem


Israel, often referred to as the 'Startup Nation,' has a highly advanced startup ecosystem, with Tel Aviv being the main hub for innovation. As of 2023, Israel is home to around 7,000 startups. The Israeli government supports entrepreneurship through initiatives like the Israel Innovation Authority and Yozma Program, which provide funding, resources, and mentorship for startups.

Size of the Market

In 2022, Israeli startups raised approximately $20 billion in venture capital. The market's size reflects Israel's position as a global leader in technology and innovation, attracting significant investments from both domestic and international sources.

Key Strengths

Strengths of the Israeli market include a highly educated workforce, strong technological base, and a culture that encourages innovation and risk-taking. These factors contribute to Israel's success in producing cutting-edge technologies and breakthrough startups.

Major Hubs

Tel Aviv is known for its strengths in cybersecurity, healthtech, and artificial intelligence, attracting significant investments and producing notable startups like Waze and Mobileye. The city is a magnet for tech talent and entrepreneurial activity.

Emerging Hubs

While Tel Aviv remains the epicenter, other cities like Haifa and Jerusalem are emerging as important tech hubs. These cities are developing robust startup ecosystems, supported by research institutions and a growing number of tech companies.

Support Systems

The Israeli startup ecosystem benefits from a strong network of incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces. Initiatives like Start-Up Nation Central and SOSA offer mentorship, resources, and international exposure, significantly boosting the ecosystem.


Challenges include geopolitical instability and a relatively small domestic market. These factors can pose risks and limit the growth potential of startups that primarily rely on local markets.

Opportunities and Future Outlook

Despite challenges, Israel remains a leader in innovation and entrepreneurship, with significant growth potential driven by continuous investment and technological advancement. The strategic location in the Middle East and strong trade relationships provide opportunities for international expansion.

Resilience and Adaptability

Israel's strong emphasis on innovation and technology is evident in its support for sectors like cybersecurity, agritech, and medtech. The robust infrastructure and pro-business policies make it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and investors. As Israel continues to invest in its startup ecosystem, it is poised for further growth and development, contributing significantly to the regional and global markets.

Angel Investment trends in Israel

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We found 137 VC firms in Israel investing in PropTech on Angels Partners

Gil Ben-Artzy
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Barcelona, Spain - U.S.A. - Israel
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • zenity: $5000000 (Seed Round)
  • InnerPlant: (Seed Round)
  • Waycare: $2300000 (Seed Round)
  • Imubit: $2300000 (Seed Round)
  • Stampli: $3000000 (Seed Round)
  • CyCognito: $100000000 (Series C)
  • CyCognito: $30000000 (Series B)
  • CyCognito: $18000000 (Series A)
  • CyCognito: $5000000 (Seed)
  • CyCognito: (Pre-Seed)
  • Balance: $5500000 (Pre-Seed+Seed)
  • Quarterback: $3000000 (Seed)
  • HoneyBook: (Pre-Seed)
  • (Pre-Seed)
  • Zone7: (Pre-Seed)
  • CyberX: (Pre-Seed)
  • Codefresh: (Pre-Seed)
  • BeeHero: (Pre-Seed)
  • SentinelOne: (Pre-seed)
  • PitchMe: (Seed Round)
  • Jeeves: $26000000 (Series A)
  • Together: $2000000 (Pre Seed Round)
  • Kuleana: $3000000 (Seed Round)
  • Bizly: $4500000 (Seed Round)
  • $32000000 (Series B)
  • Sunbit: $26000000 (Series B)
  • Sunsama: $150000 (Seed Round)
  • OpenWeb: $13000000 (Series A)
  • Lily: $1000000 (Seed Round)
  • Miro: (Series B)

Gil Ben-Artzy

Barcelona, Spain - U.S.A. - Israel

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • PropTech • FinTech (& Financials services) • Sales (& Marketing) • Future Of Work • Real Estate (& Construction) • Woman Focused


Founding Partner at UpWest

Eitan Bek
Investing in PropTech • FinTech (& Financial...
 Tel Aviv, Israel
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Run:AI: $30000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Aqua Security: $25000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Next Insurance: $13000000 (Seed Round)
  • Sealights: $11000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Oribi: $5400000 (Early stage VC)
  • Flip Fit: $3750000 (Early stage VC)
  • PureSec: $3000000 (Seed Round)
  • SeaLights Technologies LTD: (early stage)
  • TLV Partners: (early stage)
  • AppsFlyer: (mid stage)
  • VideoSurf, Inc.: (mid stage)
  • Check Inc.: (early stage)
  • 3DV Systems:
  • Pitango Venture Capital: (late stage)
  • Payhawk - Тhe paperless corporate card:
  • Minit Process Mining: (mid stage)
  • Picus Security: (late stage)
  • TheUberCloud: (mid stage)
  • Apsiyon: (mid stage)
  • (early stage)
  • (mid stage)
  • (early stage)
  • Mesh Payments: $50000000 (Series B)
  • Mesh Payments: $13000000 (Series A)
  • Zencity: $30000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Zencity: $14000000 (Series B)
  • Kipp Authorize More: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Skyline AI: $18000000 (Series A)
  • Buildup: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Sckipio Technologies: $17000000 (Series B)
  • Mint Bills: $24000000 (Series C)
  • Mint Bills: $15000000 (Series B)
  • Mint Bills: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Duda: $10000000 (Series C)
  • Duda: $6000000 (Series B)

Eitan Bek

Tel Aviv, Israel

Investing In

PropTech • FinTech (& Financials services) • Sales (& Marketing) • IoT (& Wearables) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Analytics • Cloud Services (& Infrastructure) • Developer tools • Real Estate (& Construction) • Mobility


Co-Founder and Managing Partner at TLV Partners

Eitan is a founding partner of TLV Partners. He currently focuses on Mobile, IoT, Marketing Analytics and Fintech. His passion is working with great entrepreneurs and helping them build their dream. Eitan invested and partnered with the founders of Check (acquired by INTU), Videosurf (acquired by MSFT), AppsFlyer, Duda, 3DV (acquired by MSFT), Sckipio and Neura. Previously Eitan was a General Partner at Pitango Venture Capital and led Pitango’s Silicon Valley activity since 2007. Before that he was part of the founding team of an internet startup focused on bringing the internet to the elderly and held Executive positions at Elbit Systems. Eitan holds an MBA from the University of Michigan. Eitan also served as a Pilot in the Israeli Air Force.

David Stark
Investing in PropTech • Businesses Solutions...
 New York, U.S.A. - Israel
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Nextpeer: $300000
  • Jones (Insurance): $2800000 (Seed Round)
  • Beyond (Automotive): $1800000 (Seed Round)
  • PrettyDamnQuick: $6000000 (Seed)
  • POSTMODA: $2000000 (Pre Seed)

David Stark

New York, U.S.A. - Israel

Investing In

PropTech • Businesses Solutions • FinTech (& Financials services) • Entertainment (& Sports) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Web Security (& Privacy) • Insurance (& InsurTech) • Logistics (& Distribution) • Robotics • Real Estate (& Construction) • Mobility


David Stark is a Co-Founder and serves as General Partner at Ground Up Ventures. Stark serves as General Partner at OurCrowd. He began his career as an investment analyst at Blackstone in the Real Estate Private Equity group, where he was involved in multiple leveraged buyout acquisitions with a combined value of over $700 million. David served in the Givati Rotem Brigade and finished basic training as the "most exemplary soldier" in his company. David graduated summa cum laude from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a B.S. in Economics and was a Joseph Wharton Scholar.

Lior Simon
Investing in PropTech • Businesses Solutions...
 , Israel
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Cyberstarts - The Founders Powered VC: (early stage)
  • VOOM Insurance:
  • Skyline AI: (early stage)
  • Arbor Ventures: (mid stage)
  • hibob: (early stage)
  • StreamRail: (early stage)
  • Kontera: (late stage)
  • Forever Oceans: (mid stage)
  • Bastille: (early stage)
  • Smule, Inc.: (late stage)
  • Velo3D: (early stage)
  • 蓝眸科技 Lanmou media inc.: (early stage)
  • Cyera: $100000000 (Series B)
  • Cyera: $60000000 (Series A)
  • Cyera: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Avalor: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Planck: $12000000 (Series A)

Lior Simon

, Israel

Investing In

PropTech • Businesses Solutions • Retail (& E-Commerce) • Web Security (& Privacy) • Payments • Real Estate (& Construction)


General Partner at Cyberstarts

General Partner at Cyberstarts

Toby Coppel
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Tel Aviv - London, U.K. - Israel - Germany - France
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • TransferWise: $25990000
  • Blockstream Blockchain MultiChain Nexar 0:
  • Entrepreneur First: $12400000 (Later stage VC)
  • Auterion: $10000000 (Early stage VC)
  • bonify: $5500000 (Early stage VC)
  • InfoSum: $5000000 (Seed Round)
  • $5000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Centrifuge: $3700000 (Early stage VC)
  • Convoy: $62000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Blockchain: $40000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Clue App: $20000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Coram AI: $16000000 (Seed)
  • Meander: $2000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Zerion: $12000000 (Series B)
  • Zerion: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Hokodo: $40000000 (Series B)
  • Hokodo: $12000000 (Series A)
  • Keelvar: $24000000 (Series B)
  • Keelvar: $18000000 (Series A)
  • Nous: $9000000 (Seed)
  • Indeez: $9000000 (Series A)
  • AREX Markets: $10000000 (Series A)
  • Utmost: $21000000 (Series B)
  • Qatalog: $15000000 (Series A)
  • Qatalog: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Habito: $46000000 (Series C)
  • Habito: (Series B)
  • Habito: $24000000 (Series B)
  • Habito: $7000000 (Series A)
  • $40000000 (Series B)
  • $30000000 (Series A)
  • Teemo: $16000000 (Series A)
  • Teemo: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Guidebook: $10000000 (Series A)
  • Guevara: (Series A)
  • Farmigo: $2000000 (Seed)

Toby Coppel

Tel Aviv - London, U.K. - Israel - Germany - France

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • PropTech • FinTech (& Financials services) • HealthTech (& Fitness) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Real Estate (& Construction) • Healthcare (& Wellness) • Consumer


Most Interested In

Marketplaces, digital health, fintech

Not Interested In

Ecommerce, hardware, biotech

Toby Coppel is a Co-Founder and serves as Partner at Mosaic Ventures. He also serves Board Member at Habito. He has a strong track record of principal investing in growth companies and strong operational experience. His background and expertise allow him to provide unique insights regarding the convergence of energy, communications and information technologies. Prior to VGF, he held a number of senior executive roles with Yahoo!, including Chief Strategy Officer and Managing Director, Yahoo! Europe & Canada. While at Yahoo!, Toby was responsible for almost $5 billion of acquisitions and investments. Toby was also the Executive sponsor for Yahoo's global sustainability program and led initiatives including the launch of Yahoo! Green and the management of Yahoo's carbon footprint across its global data centers and facilities. Prior to Yahoo!, Toby was a Founding Partner of Windsor Media a private investment company that acquires traditional media businesses and re-positions them for the digital future. Coppel also held investment and client advisory positions with Allen & Company and Goldman Sachs. He is an Industry Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, Henry Crown Fellow at The Aspen Institute and a Member of both the Israel-Britain and Palestine-Britain Business Councils. Coppel received his MA Philosophy, Politics & Economics (First Class) from Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom and an MBA (with Distinction) from Harvard Business School.

Yair Vardi
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Los Angeles , Tel Avi..., U.S.A. - Israel
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • GiantLeap: $900000 (Pre Seed Round)
  • $130000 (Pre Seed Round)

Yair Vardi

Los Angeles - Tel Aviv - California, U.S.A. - Israel

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • PropTech • Businesses Solutions • FinTech (& Financials services) • IoT (& Wearables) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Gaming (& eSports) • Future Of Work • Logistics (& Distribution) • Real Estate (& Construction) • Consumer


Most Interested In

We’re looking to work with Israeli-led, pre-seed start-ups from all industries that want to grow their company in the US market. We invest $150K in each company and selectively accept 6-9 teams every 6 months to go through our intensive go-to-market and mentorship-driven program. During the program, we facilitate meetings between our Israeli founders and Venture Capitalists, angels, tech executives & like-minded entrepreneurs in Tel Aviv, Silicon Valley, NYC & Los Angeles.

Not Interested In

Read about the way we operate here:

Jim Davidson
Investing in PropTech • AgroTech • Clea...
 Denver - Colorado, U.S.A. - Europe: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Norway, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Iceland, Monaco
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Burke Agro de Nicaragua:
  • MCE Social Capital: (late stage)
  • Dev Equity:
  • CauseLabs: (late stage)
  • Impact Hub Boulder: (early stage)
  • MedClimate:
  • PeakChange: (early stage)
  • Laborfair:
  • Liquidity Capital: $1000000 (Seed)

Jim Davidson

Denver - Colorado, U.S.A. - Europe: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Norway, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Iceland, Monaco

Investing In

PropTech • AgroTech • CleanTech • Impact • Real Estate (& Construction)


President PeakChange

Social Venture Investor, Tech Executive & Leadership Mentor

Stonly Baptiste
Investing in PropTech • Hardware (& Manufact...
 San Francisco Bay Area, U.S.A. - Israel
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Wright Electric Airplanes: (Convertible Note)
  • LiveStories: $3000000 (Seed Round)
  • Bowery Farming: $7500000 (Seed Round)
  • ChargeLab: $15000000 (Series A)
  • ChargeLab: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Electric Visionary Aircrafts: (Convertible Note)
  • Electric Visionary Aircrafts: (Seed)
  • Partsimony: $2000000 (Seed)
  • CoInspect: $150000 (Seed)
  • CoInspect: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Pi Variables: (Convertible Note)
  • 3AM Innovations: (Convertible Note)
  • Flair: $810000 (Seed)
  • Flair: $300000 (Convertible Note)
  • Flair: $230000 (Convertible Note)
  • Flair: $330000 (Seed)
  • Flair: $130000 (Convertible Note)
  • BuildStream: (Angel)
  • Park Diamond: (Seed)
  • Campsyte: $100000 (Seed)
  • Bumblebee Spaces: (Seed)
  • Wright Electric, Inc.: (Convertible Note)
  • Starcity: $4000000 (Seed)
  • FORWARD Platform: $3000000 (Seed)
  • ecomo: (Seed)
  • BlocPower: $200000 (Pre Seed)
  • One Concern: (Seed)
  • Future Motion: (Series A)
  • Future Motion: (Seed)
  • HandUp PBC: (Convertible Note)

Stonly Baptiste

San Francisco Bay Area, U.S.A. - Israel

Investing In

PropTech • Hardware (& Manufacturing) • Energy • CleanTech • A.I. (& Big Data) • Impact • Real Estate (& Construction) • DeepTech • Mobility • Woman Focused


Urban Sustainability and Resilience focused VC. Co-Founder of Urban Us.

I'm co-founder of Urban Us, an asset manager specialized in early-stage startups upgrading cities for climate change. With a team that spans both coasts, the platform includes an early-stage venture fund, a BMW funded accelerator and an early stage credit fund. I've founded five companies, speak 4 languages, code, and have taught and lectured at the University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, and HBS. My leisure time is spent reading, playing instruments, and training Muay Thai.

Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Tel Aviv, Israel - U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Klook: $60000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Superpedestrian: $60000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Highcon: $20000000 (Later stage VC)
  • prooV: $14000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Classiq Technologies: $10500000 (Later stage VC)
  • Airobotics: $10000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Arbe Robotics: $9000000 (Early stage VC)
  • MedAware: $8000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Agentology: $4500000 (Early stage VC)
  • Missbeez: $4000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Eden Shield: $2000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Sense Education: (Seed Round)
  • Engie: (Seed Round)
  • Silo Kitchen:
  • The Beauty Co.: (early stage)
  • Venture Catalysts | India's First Integrated Incubator: (mid stage)
  • CleanseCar (5 cities, 20,000+ customers, 3 million washes): (early stage)
  • ClearDekho: (early stage)
  • CoutLoot: (early stage)
  • HomeCapital: (early stage)
  • OTO Capital: (early stage)
  • Rooter Sports Technologies Pvt. Ltd.:
  • Superbottoms: (mid stage)
  • Splacer - Connecting People and Spaces: (early stage)
  • Corephotonics Ltd: (mid stage)
  • Mark One:
  • OurCrowd: (mid stage)
  • Replay Technologies (Acquired by Intel):
  • Syqe Medical: (mid stage)
  • I Labor:
  • The Shiur (Non-Profit):
  • Near: (mid stage)
  • uBeam: (mid stage)
  • UPnRIDE Robotics:
  • BillGuard: (mid stage)
  • BT9 Ltd.: (early stage)
  • ReWalk Robotics, Inc. (NASDAQ: RWLK):
  • Replay Technologies: (Venture Round)
  • JumpCloud: $25000000 (Series E)
  • D-ID: (Series A)
  • Arbe: (Series B)
  • Vayavision: (Seed)
  • Social Bicycles: (Series A)
  • Innoviz Technologies: $65000000 (Series B)
  • Innoviz: (Series B)
  • Cimagine: (Convertible Loan)
  • Argus Cyber Security: $21000000 (Series B)
  • BillGuard (Acquired by Prosper): (Convertible Loan)
  • MUV Interactive: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Corephotonics: (Series B)


Tel Aviv, Israel - U.S.A.

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • PropTech • Businesses Solutions • FinTech (& Financials services) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Payments • Robotics • Real Estate (& Construction) • Mobility


General Partner @ OurCrowd

Most Interested In

Always looking for founders who are looking into the future and have a big vision of creating a better world down the line.

Not Interested In

Not interested in Mobile Apps.

Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 London, U.K. - Israel
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Finteca:
  • R Ventures: (mid stage)
  • (mid stage)
  • Glamping Hub: (late stage)
  • Populetic: (mid stage)
  • ISDI: (mid stage)
  • Digital Horizon VC: (early stage)
  • Founder Institute: (late stage)
  • Germanium and Applications LLC:
  • RUSNANO: (early stage)
  • Bnext: (mid stage)
  • Tortoise: (Undisclosed)
  • Ably: (Round A)
  • Cuvva: (Round A)
  • mel science: (Round A)
  • Zipline International Inc.: (Series A)
  • Quantenna Communications: $21000000 (Series E)


London, U.K. - Israel

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • PropTech • Businesses Solutions • FinTech (& Financials services) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Impact • Insurance (& InsurTech) • Payments • Real Estate (& Construction) • Woman Focused


VC at Digital Horizon - early stage fintech and enterprise software fund

Fintech and B2B software investor and social impact angel

Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Tel Aviv , London , S..., U.S.A. - Israel - U.K.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Vidyo: $15000000 (Series E)
  • Vidyo: $20000000 (Series E)
  • Vidyo: $17000000 (Series D)
  • Vidyo: $25000000 (Series D)
  • Vidyo: $12000000 (Series C)
  • Vidyo: $25000000 (Series C)
  • Vidyo: $15000000 (Series B)
  • AeroScout: $16000000 (Series E)
  • AeroScout: $12000000 (Series D)
  • Immediate: $16000000 (Series Unknown)
  • RiskScout: (Seed)
  • Pinnacle Realty Advisors: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Rocketplace: $9000000 (Seed)
  • Central Payments: $30000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Paperwork: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Watalook: $1000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Guideline: $200000000 (Series E)
  • Guideline: $80000000 (Series D)
  • Guideline: $35000000 (Series C)
  • Guideline: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Scrypt: (Seed)
  • Proxifile: $2000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Ease: $41000000 (Series C)
  • Ease: $19000000 (Series B)
  • Ease: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Mesh Payments: $13000000 (Series A)
  • Grabango: $14000000 (Series A)
  • Charlie Finance Co.: $9000000 (Series A)
  • Steady: $9000000 (Series A)
  • Eventbrite: $1500000 (Debt Financing)


Tel Aviv - London - San Francisco Bay Area, U.S.A. - Israel - U.K.

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • PropTech • BioTech • Businesses Solutions • FinTech (& Financials services) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Web Security (& Privacy) • Insurance (& InsurTech) • Payments • Real Estate (& Construction) • Productivity


Most Interested In

AI to help patients select medical providers

Not Interested In

super early stage opportunities with no technical co-founder

Yodfat Harel Buchris
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Tel Aviv, Israel
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Hunters: (early stage)
  • Namogoo: (mid stage)
  • Sharegain: (mid stage)
  • SQream: (late stage)
  • YP and 6 Partners LTD.:
  • Tamares Capital Ltd.:
  • Harel-Hertz Investment House: (early stage)
  • Illumina Ventures: (mid stage)
  • Fluent BioSciences Inc.: (early stage)
  • Stealth Biotech Startup: (early stage)
  • Stealth Startup:
  • Ribometrix:
  • DNA Script: (mid stage)
  • Biota Technology: (early stage)
  • Imagene AI: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Authomize: $16000000 (Series A)
  • Authomize: $6000000 (Seed)
  • Theator: $16000000 (Series A)
  • Cybellum: $12000000 (Series A)
  • Datree: $8000000 (Seed)

Yodfat Harel Buchris

Tel Aviv, Israel

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • PropTech • Media • BioTech • Hardware (& Manufacturing) • HealthTech (& Fitness) • Medical Devices (& Hospital Services) • Real Estate (& Construction) • Healthcare (& Wellness)


Managing Director at Blumberg Capital

Managing Director at Blumberg Capital

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