The United states Startup Ecosystem


The United States boasts the largest and most dynamic startup ecosystem in the world, with major hubs like Silicon Valley, New York City, and Boston. This ecosystem is characterized by a strong venture capital presence and a supportive culture for innovation and entrepreneurship. The U.S. continues to lead globally in technological innovation and startup activity, contributing significantly to economic growth and job creation.

Size of the Market

As of 2024, the U.S. is home to approximately 77,927 startups. The startup ecosystem is supported by substantial venture capital investments, which totaled around $162.6 billion in 2022. This robust financial backing highlights the confidence investors have in the U.S. startup market, ensuring ample funding for innovation and growth.

Key Strengths

Key strengths of the U.S. market include a highly skilled workforce, advanced technological infrastructure, and a culture that encourages risk-taking and entrepreneurship. The presence of major tech companies like Google, Apple, and Facebook fosters a collaborative environment and provides ample opportunities for startups. Additionally, the U.S. government offers support through various grants and tax incentives, such as the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.

Major Hubs

Silicon Valley remains the epicenter of innovation, driving advancements in AI, biotechnology, fintech, and clean energy. New York City excels in finance and media, while Boston is strong in biotechnology and education-driven startups. These regions are crucial to the U.S. startup ecosystem, offering a wealth of resources, talent, and opportunities.

Emerging Hubs

Cities like Austin, Denver, and Seattle are emerging as significant tech hubs. These cities provide a favorable business climate, quality of life, and are becoming attractive locations for startups and talent. The rise of remote work has further expanded opportunities for startups to access talent from various regions, contributing to the growth of these emerging hubs.

Support Systems

The U.S. startup market benefits from a comprehensive support system of accelerators, incubators, and co-working spaces. Programs like Techstars and Y Combinator have been instrumental in nurturing early-stage startups, providing mentorship, resources, and funding. These support systems help startups at various stages of their journey to scale and succeed.


Despite its strengths, the U.S. startup ecosystem faces challenges such as high costs of living, regulatory hurdles, and intense competition for talent. These challenges can create barriers for new startups and require strategic navigation to ensure long-term success.

Opportunities and Future Outlook

The U.S. startup market features a diverse customer base and a culture that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship. The rise of remote work has expanded opportunities, allowing startups to access talent from various regions. The future outlook remains positive with continuous growth and innovation, driven by emerging technologies such as blockchain, quantum computing, and green energy.

Resilience and Adaptability

The U.S. startup ecosystem is characterized by its resilience and adaptability. Despite challenges, the ecosystem continues to evolve, driven by a strong culture of entrepreneurship and technological advancements. This ensures the U.S. remains at the forefront of global innovation, contributing significantly to economic growth and job creation.

Angel Investment trends in the United states

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We found 3,079 VC firms in the United states investing in Analytics on Angels Partners

Josh Elman
Investing in Media • Retail (& E-Commerce) &...
 Menlo Park California..., U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • GoMeta: $3000000 (Seed Round)
  • Ladder: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Nova: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Kinema: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Northstar: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Jam: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Hub: $20000000 (Series Unknown)
  • TruStory: $3000000 (Seed Round)
  • TruStory: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Mammoth Media: $13000000 (Series A)
  • Trimian: $3000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Discord: $50000000 (Series D)
  • Discord: $20000000 (Series C)
  • Houseparty: $52000000 (Series C)
  • Houseparty: $14000000 (Series B)
  • Koji: $3000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Medium: $57000000 (Series B)
  • Medium: $25000000 (Series A)
  • Flogg: (Seed)
  • Complex Polygon: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Jelly HQ: (Series B)
  • Jelly HQ: (Series A)
  • SmartThings: $13000000 (Series A)
  • tbh: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Nextdoor: $22000000 (Series D)
  • Nextdoor: $19000000 (Series C)
  • Nextdoor: $7000000 (Series B)
  • Nextdoor: $5000000 (Series A)
  • (Seed)
  • Treehouse: $600000 (Seed)
  • BranchOut: $6000000 (Series A)
  • OTPless: $3000000 (Seed)
  • EarlyDay: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Double: $9000000 (Series A)

Josh Elman

Menlo Park California - Cambridge Massachusetts - Mountain View California - San Francisco - Los Angeles - Seattle - New York - Washington, U.S.A.

Investing In

Media • Retail (& E-Commerce) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Analytics • Messaging • Payments • Online Social • Consumer


Product Builder

Karin Klein
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 New York, U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • CloudApp:
  • Knotel: $60000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Replicant: $29000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Domino Data Lab: $27000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Scalyr: $20000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Textio: $20000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Sapho: $14000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Netlify: $12000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Cultivate Technology: $8000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Enveil, Inc.: $4000000 (Other)
  • SVAcademy: $2000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Capsule (Multimedia and Design Software): $2000000 (Seed Round)
  • Capsule: $6000000 (Seed)
  • Capsule: $2000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Enigma: (Seed)
  • Enigma: $350000 (Pre Seed)
  • Wrangle: $2000000 (Pre Seed)
  • StrongDM: $54000000 (Series B)
  • StrongDM: $3000000 (Seed)
  • StrongDM: $800000 (Seed)
  • goTenna: $17000000 (Series C)
  • goTenna: $8000000 (Series B)
  • goTenna: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Bonusly: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Bonusly: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Flashpoint: $28000000 (Series C)
  • Flashpoint: $10000000 (Series B)
  • Flashpoint: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Alluvium: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Virgil Security: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Virgil Security: $800000 (Seed)
  • Pathgather: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Pathgather: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Authorea: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Drawbridge Networks: $2000000 (Seed)

Karin Klein

New York, U.S.A.

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Web Security (& Privacy) • Analytics


Founding Partner at Bloomberg Beta

Bilal Zuberi
Investing in BioTech • Energy • A.I. (&...
 San Francisco Bay Are..., U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Fiddler Labs: $10200000 (Series A)
  • ALL DAY MEDIA: $2300000 (Seed Round)
  • Recursion Pharmaceuticals: $239000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Plexium: $63000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Recursion Pharmaceuticals: $60000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Hugging Face: $19710000 (Later stage VC)
  • Primer: $14700000 (Later stage VC)
  • Kyruus: $13990000 (Later stage VC)
  • Citizen: $12000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Embodied Intelligence: $7000000 (Seed Round)
  • Visor: $6500000 (Seed Round)
  • Physera: $2800000 (Seed Round)
  • ALL DAY: $2300000 (Seed Round)
  • Kinetic Automation: $10000000 (Series A)
  • Paradigm: $200000000 (Series A)
  • ZEDEDA: $26000000 (Series B)
  • ZEDEDA: $16000000 (Series A)
  • Cloaked: $25000000 (Series A)
  • OpenSpace: $100000000 (Series D)
  • OpenSpace: $55000000 (Series C)
  • OpenSpace: $16000000 (Series B)
  • OpenSpace: $14000000 (Series A)
  • OpenSpace: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Ironclad: $150000000 (Series E)
  • Ironclad: $100000000 (Series D)
  • Applied Intuition: $180000000 (Series D)
  • Applied Intuition: $130000000 (Series C)
  • Applied Intuition: $40000000 (Series B)
  • Applied Intuition: $12000000 (Series A)
  • Saildrone: $100000000 (Series C)
  • Saildrone: $60000000 (Series B)
  • Copia Automation: $14000000 (Series A)
  • Fiddler AI: $32000000 (Series B)
  • Fiddler AI: $10000000 (Series A)
  • SkySelect: $10000000 (Series A)
  • Evolv Technology: $30000000 (Series C)
  • Evolv Technology: $24000000 (Series C)
  • Evolv Technology: $18000000 (Series B)
  • Evolv Technology: $12000000 (Series A)
  • Lightform: $9000000 (Series A)
  • Lightform: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Lightform: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Nozomi Networks: $30000000 (Series C)
  • Nozomi Networks: $15000000 (Series B)
  • Nozomi Networks: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Strangeworks: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Veo Robotics: $12000000 (Series Unknown)
  • AirMap: $26000000 (Series B)
  • AirMap: $15000000 (Series A)
  • AirMap: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Pinscreen: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Aria Insights: $22000000 (Series B)
  • Aria Insights: $7000000 (Series A)

Bilal Zuberi

San Francisco Bay Area - Palo Alto - California, U.S.A.

Investing In

BioTech • Energy • A.I. (& Big Data) • HealthTech (& Fitness) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Analytics • Cloud Services (& Infrastructure) • Future Of Work • Robotics


Partner @lux-capital. Early stage tech investor. Previously VC @general-catalyst-partners, co-founder @rough-draft-ventures-1, MIT PhD.

Sunny Dhillon
Investing in Media • Education • Busine...
 Menlo Park , San Fran..., U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Upload: $1250000
  • Skale Harbor TrustToken:
  • Remrise: $8199999 (Early stage VC)
  • Mozart Data: $4000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Landis: $2000000 (Seed Round)
  • PortalOne: $15000000 (Seed)
  • Anomalie: $14000000 (Series A)
  • Anomalie: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Archblock: $20000000 (Initial Coin Offering)
  • Harbor: $28000000 (Corporate Round)
  • Super Evil Mega Corp: $19000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Super Evil Mega Corp: $26000000 (Series B)
  • Super Evil Mega Corp: $49000 (Seed)
  • Super Evil Mega Corp: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Drifter Entertainment: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Eonite Perception: $5000000 (Seed)
  • 8i: $14000000 (Series A)
  • Cruise: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Artillery: $3000000 (Series Unknown)

Sunny Dhillon

Menlo Park - San Francisco Bay Area - California, U.S.A.

Investing In

Media • Education • Businesses Solutions • Hardware (& Manufacturing) • Sales (& Marketing) • HealthTech (& Fitness) • Web Security (& Privacy) • Gaming (& eSports) • Advertising • Analytics • Healthcare (& Wellness) • Consumer


Sunny Dhillon serves as Partner at Signia Venture Partners. He joined the Signia team in 2012 after launching his own location-based mobile startup named Barstool and investing in early stage technology companies for New World Ventures in LA and Chicago. He was previously an M&A analyst in technology investment banking at Rothschild in London, a business development manager at a venture backed spin-off of New Line Cinema, and a corporate strategist for Warner Bros.He is a mentor for various incubators in Silicon Valley and is on the board of Cents of Relief, a charity based in Connecticut that focuses on reducing human trafficking in Indian urban slums. He is also a board member for Next Gen Partners, the Valley's leading venture capital mentoring organization.Sunny invests across consumer and enterprise sector startups, with a particular interest in gaming, consumer, and digital health.Sunny graduated with his MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, where he was a Lee Hague Scholar. He has an undergraduate honors degree in Economics & Management from Oxford University and a master's in International Relations & History from the London School of Economics (LSE), where he graduated with distinction. He served as Board Observer at Artillery Games. He also serves as Board Member at Drifter Entertainment. He serves as an Advisor at TheWaveVR.

Greg Castle
Investing in A.I. (& Big Data) • Blockchain ...
 San Francisco Bay Are..., U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Flock Group:
  • ZeroTier: (Pre Seed Round)
  • Marxent: $10000000 (Series B)
  • Fondo: $1000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Framework: $18000000 (Series A)
  • Framework: $9000000 (Seed)
  • Cquence: (Seed)
  • Osso VR: $27000000 (Series B)
  • Osso VR: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Simulon: $500000 (Pre Seed)
  • ZeroTier, Inc.: $2000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Oze: $700000 (Seed)
  • WasteHero: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Restream: $50000000 (Series A)
  • Mesh++: (Seed)
  • Onebrief: (Seed)
  • Onebrief: (Seed)
  • Spiketrap: $3000000 (Seed)
  • App Academy: (Seed)
  • Addressable: (Seed)
  • Looking Glass Factory: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Looking Glass Factory: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Antara Health: (Series Unknown)
  • $3000000 (Seed)
  • (Seed)
  • Rec Room: $15000000 (Series B)
  • Rec Room: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Lightform: $9000000 (Series A)
  • Lightform: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Equally: (Seed)
  • RosieReality: $2000000 (Seed)
  • RosieReality: $700000 (Seed)
  • WeatherCheck: (Seed)
  • LightOn: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Phiar Technologies: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Twizted Design: (Seed)
  • Vantage Point: $1000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Supermedium: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Catalog: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Catalog: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Sketchfab: $3000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Orderful: (Seed)
  • Sourcify: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Iron Ox: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Iron Ox: $2000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Flock Safety: $120000 (Seed)
  • Anduril Industries: (Seed)
  • Advano: (Seed)
  • SmartyPans: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Dishcraft Robotics: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Vivid Vision: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Reduced Energy Microsystems: $2000000 (Seed Round)
  • Reduced Energy Microsystems: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Halion Displays: $500000 (Convertible Note)
  • Drifter Entertainment: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Limbix: (Seed)
  • Bitmovin: $10000000 (Series A)
  • Bitmovin: (Seed)
  • Mux: $3000000 (Seed)
  • InsiteVR: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Visby: (Seed)
  • $1400000 (Seed Round)
  • $1000000 (Seed)
  • Eonite Perception: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Simbe Robotics: (Series Unknown)
  • Simbe Robotics: (Series Unknown)
  • 3D Cloud by Marxent: $10000000 (Series B)
  • Giving Assistant: $1000000 (Series Unknown)
  • THIS IS L: $120000 (Seed)
  • Flexport: $22000000 (Series A)
  • Cofactor Genomics: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Birdi: $500000 (Convertible Note)
  • White Raven: (Series Unknown)
  • SKULLY: $11000000 (Series A)
  • Oculus: $16000000 (Series A)
  • SourceDNA: (Seed)

Greg Castle

San Francisco Bay Area - California, U.S.A.

Investing In

A.I. (& Big Data) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Analytics • Cloud Services (& Infrastructure) • Developer tools • Robotics


Greg Castle is the Founder & serves as Managing Partner at Anorak Ventures. He serves as the Advisor at UploadVR. Prior to Anorak, Greg was an active angel investor with 30 investments counting two exits including Oculus, which was acquired by Facebook for $2bln. With strong ties to the VR/AR community, Greg focuses much of his time investing in and mentoring startups in this sector. Previously, Greg led marketing for the popular game development company Scaleform and for Autodesk's Game Technology Group.

Saurabh Sharma
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Chicago - Illinois, U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Teikametrics: $10000000
  • TrustToken Spring Labs Bitnomial:
  • APERIO Systems: $4500000 (Seed Round)
  • Aurora:
  • Entrepreneur First: (late stage)
  • NAUTO: (early stage)
  • Convoy Inc: (early stage)
  • Gixo: (early stage)
  • Blockstream: (early stage)
  • Coda: (early stage)
  • Xapo: (early stage)
  • (early stage)
  • Stealth:
  • Jump Capital: (mid stage)
  • ICICI Venture:
  • Polysynth: $1500000 (Seed Round)
  • Neon Labs: $40000000 (Initial Coin Offering)
  • AscendEX: $50000000 (Series B)
  • Eden Network: $17000000 (Seed Round)
  • Bitpanda: $260000000 (Series C)
  • Bitpanda: $10000000 (Series B)
  • CoinDCX: $90000000 (Series C)
  • CoinDCX: (Series B)
  • Indico Data: $22000000 (Series B)
  • APERIO: $4500000 (Seed Round)
  • $4000000 (Seed +)
  • LinkSquares: $15000000 (Series A)
  • Ironscales: (Series B)
  • Conducto: (Seed Round)
  • Curv: (Seed Round)

Saurabh Sharma

Chicago - Illinois, U.S.A.

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Businesses Solutions • Sales (& Marketing) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Analytics • Cloud Services (& Infrastructure) • Developer tools • Woman Focused


General Partner @ Jump Capital

Enpterprise Software Investor

VC: @jump-capital @lightbank; @lehman-brothers , @barclays-capital , Ops: @groupon ; Sweat: @benchprep ; Compilers @inria; Engineering @Cornell, MBA @booth

Joseph Ansanelli
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Menlo Park , San Fran..., U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Pipewise: (early stage)
  • MobileIron: (early stage)
  • mozaiq: (early stage)
  • relayr: (mid stage)
  • Worldsensing:
  • Actility: (late stage)
  • Cisco:
  • Italtel:
  • Ramphastos Investments:
  • Google:
  • Accenture: (late stage)
  • Gladly: $55000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Gladly: $50000000 (Series D)
  • Gladly: $36000000 (Series C)
  • Gladly: $15000000 (Series B)
  • Gladly: $12000000 (Series A)
  • Trifacta: $100000000 (Series E)
  • Trifacta: $48000000 (Series D)
  • Trifacta: (Series C)
  • Trifacta: $35000000 (Series C)
  • Trifacta: $25000000 (Series C)
  • Trifacta: $12000000 (Series B)
  • Sumo Logic: $75000000 (Series F)
  • Sumo Logic: $80000000 (Series E)
  • Sumo Logic: $30000000 (Series D)
  • Sumo Logic: $30000000 (Series C)
  • Sumo Logic: $15000000 (Series B)
  • Included Health: $55000000 (Series C)
  • Included Health: $38000000 (Series B)
  • Lookout: $11000000 (Series B)
  • Lookout: $6000000 (Series A)
  • Smartling: $4000000 (Series A)
  • ZangZing: $2000000 (Seed)

Joseph Ansanelli

Menlo Park - San Francisco Bay Area - California, U.S.A.

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Media • BioTech • Businesses Solutions • Hardware (& Manufacturing) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Web Security (& Privacy) • Analytics • Developer tools


CEO at Gladly, Inc. and Partner at Greylock

Partner at Greylock. Former Entrepreneur.

Craig Shapiro
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Los Angeles , New Yor..., U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Bitwise Asset Management: $4000000 (Seed Round)
  • Dandelion (Home Geothermal): $2000000 (Seed Round)
  • Kickstarter, PBC: $10000000 (Venture Round)
  • Oula Health: $2500000 (Seed Round)
  • Docbot:
  • MeliBio: $2000000 (Seed)
  • MeliBio: $6000000 (Seed)
  • Dandelion Energy: $70000000 (Series B)
  • Dandelion Energy: $30000000 (Series B)
  • Dandelion Energy: $12000000 (Series A)
  • Dandelion Energy: $16000000 (Series A)
  • Dandelion Energy: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Dandelion Energy: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Neutral: $12000000 (Series A)
  • Street FC: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Flourish Labs: $6000000 (Seed)
  • Zoomo: $20000000 (Series B)
  • Kula Bio: $50000000 (Series A)
  • Kula Bio: $10000000 (Seed)
  • Spoiler Alert: $11000000 (Series A)
  • Traptic: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Circle Medical: $3500000 (Funding Round)
  • Circle Medical: $4000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Circle Medical: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Spyce: $21000000 (Series A)
  • Caretaker: $4000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Caretaker: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Bitwise: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Zipdrug: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Mirador: $3000000 (Seed)
  • LIFX: (Series A)
  • Quarterly: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Quarterly: $200000 (Seed)
  • Socar: (Seed)
  • Getable: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Small Demons: $1000000 (Series A)
  • Gobble: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Kickstarter: $10000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Elevate Labs: $1000000 (Seed)

Craig Shapiro

Los Angeles - New York - San Francisco Bay Area, U.S.A.

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Media • Education • Retail (& E-Commerce) • HealthTech (& Fitness) • Analytics • Impact • Healthcare (& Wellness) • Online Social • Consumer • Woman Focused


Founder & Managing Partner at Collaborative Fund

Most Interested In

I'm interested in supporting founders who are building businesses that directly impact consumers and push the world forward.

Not Interested In

I am not currently investing in anything enterprise or B2B focused.

Founder of @collaborative-fund: Investor in, @kickstarter, @reddit, @taskrabbit, @lyft, @codecademy, and @blue-bottle-coffee

Chip Hazard
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Boston Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • NS1: $20000000 (Other)
  • Bowery Farming Inc: $20000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Analytical Space, Inc.: $3500000 (Seed Round)
  • Bulletin: $2200000 (Seed Round)
  • Precognitive Inc: $1250000 (Seed Round)
  • Lorem Technologies: $1100000 (Seed Round)
  • Wethos: $1000000 (Other)
  • Wanderset: (Seed Round)
  • NuMind: $3000000 (Seed)
  • trackd: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Blaze: $4000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Metaplane: $8000000 (Seed)
  • Metaplane: (Pre Seed)
  • Rezonate: $9000000 (Seed)
  • Scitara: $15000000 (Series B)
  • Appwrite: $10000000 (Seed)
  • Nasuni: $25000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Nasuni: $38000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Nasuni: $18000000 (Series E)
  • Nasuni: $1000000 (Convertible Note)
  • Nasuni: $5000000 (Series D)
  • Nasuni: $10000000 (Series D)
  • Nasuni: $20000000 (Series C)
  • Nasuni: $15000000 (Series B)
  • Ask Lorem: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Ask Lorem: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Redox: $3000000 (Debt Financing)
  • Redox: $1000000 (Series B)
  • Redox: $9000000 (Series B)
  • Redox: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Feature Labs: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Apostrophe: (Seed)
  • Datalogue: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Parachute Home: $5000000 (Series A)
  • VidSys: $11000000 (Private Equity)
  • VidSys: $260000 (Convertible Note)
  • VidSys: $16000000 (Private Equity)
  • VidSys: $740000 (Series Unknown)
  • VidSys: $2000000 (Series Unknown)
  • VidSys: $2000000 (Series Unknown)
  • VidSys: $2000000 (Series Unknown)
  • VidSys: $5000000 (Series Unknown)
  • VidSys: $4000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Empirical Systems: $3000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Digital Lumens: $23000000 (Series C)
  • Digital Lumens: $10000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Digital Lumens: $10000000 (Series B)
  • Digital Lumens: $1000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Digital Lumens: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Digital Lumens: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Digital Lumens: $250000 (Convertible Note)
  • Digital Lumens: $500000 (Convertible Note)
  • Mattermark: $2000000 (Seed)
  • FirstBest: $8000000 (Series C)
  • FirstBest: $10000000 (Series Unknown)
  • FirstBest: $6000000 (Series B)
  • FirstBest: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Stackdriver: $10000000 (Series B)
  • Firebase: $6000000 (Series A)
  • Firebase: $1000000 (Seed)
  • AppNeta: $16000000 (Series C)
  • Stormpath: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Stormpath: $2000000 (Seed)
  • PatientKeeper: $6000000 (Series Unknown)
  • PatientKeeper: $6000000 (Series Unknown)
  • PatientKeeper: $5000000 (Debt Financing)
  • PatientKeeper: $13000000 (Series G)
  • PatientKeeper: $8000000 (Series F)
  • MongoDB: $42000000 (Series E)
  • MongoDB: $20000000 (Series D)
  • MongoDB: $7000000 (Series C)
  • MongoDB: $3000000 (Series B)
  • Crashlytics: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Crashlytics: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Tracelytics: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Tracelytics: $600000 (Seed)
  • Goby: $3000000 (Series A)
  • Goby: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Infobright: $2000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Infobright: $10000000 (Series C)
  • Infobright: $8000000 (Series B)
  • Placemark Investments: $8000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Placemark Investments: $2000000 (Series E)
  • Placemark Investments: $4000000 (Series D)
  • Jingle Networks: $8000000 (Series D)
  • Jingle Networks: $13000000 (Series C)
  • Reveal Imaging Technologies: $12000000 (Debt Financing)
  • Reveal Imaging Technologies: $5000000 (Series B)
  • Sciformix: $3000000 (Series A)
  • SupplyScape: $10000000 (Series C)
  • mValent: $2000000 (Series B)
  • mValent: $6000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Bowstreet: $7000000 (Series A)
  • The Gist: $7000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Coralogix: $140000000 (Series D)
  • Coralogix: $55000000 (Series C)
  • Coralogix: $25000000 (Series B)
  • Coralogix: $10000000 (Series A)
  • Coralogix: $3000000 (Series A)
  • TENYX: $15000000 (Seed)
  • RGo Robotics: $15000000 (Series A)
  • DoControl: $30000000 (Series B)
  • DoControl: $10000000 (Series A)
  • DoControl: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Second Nature AI: $13000000 (Series A)
  • Second Nature AI: $3000000 (Seed)
  • NeuroBlade: $83000000 (Series B)
  • NeuroBlade: $23000000 (Series A)
  • NeuroBlade: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Avanan: $25000000 (Series B)
  • Avanan: $15000000 (Series A)
  • Avanan: $2000000 (Series A)
  • Axonize: $6000000 (Series A)
  • Axonize: $2000000 (Seed)
  • DBmaestro: $5000000 (Series A)
  • DBmaestro: $3000000 (Series A)
  • SafeDK: $4000000 (Series A)
  • SafeDK: $2000000 (Seed)

Chip Hazard

Boston Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Media • Businesses Solutions • Retail (& E-Commerce) • IoT (& Wearables) • HealthTech (& Fitness) • Web Security (& Privacy) • Analytics • Cloud Services (& Infrastructure) • Consumer


Most Interested In For Flybridge, I am primarily focused on core B2B tech, including developer-focused companies and AI applications & platforms. I also founded and help manage, in conjunction with a team of 22 female founders, XFactor Ventures, a pre-seed fund focused on new companies with female founders Not Interested In We are typically the "first institutional check" for companies, so not focused on large >$8M Series As for Series B and beyond. Industry wise, not doing anything in the healthcare market, unless it's HCIT.

Michael Jones
Investing in Media • Businesses Solutions &b...
 Santa Monica Californ..., U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • IColorado Watchdog WePower Network:
  • Coozie Outdoors:
  • Liquid Death Mountain Water:
  • CarBlip: (early stage)
  • PlayVS: (early stage)
  • Mammoth Media:
  • SpringRole Inc.: (early stage)
  • FameBit: (early stage)
  • Maker Studios Inc: (mid stage)
  • DogVacay: (early stage)
  • Dollar Shave Club: (early stage)
  • HelloSociety: (early stage)
  • Science: (early stage)
  • (mid stage)
  • GumGum: (early stage)
  • People Media, Inc.: (late stage)
  • Tsavo Media Inc.:
  • Userplane/AOL: (early stage)

Michael Jones

Santa Monica California - Honolulu Hawaii - Los Angeles California, U.S.A.

Investing In

Media • Businesses Solutions • FinTech (& Financials services) • Retail (& E-Commerce) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Analytics • Online Social


CEO Science- Dreamer, Leader, Father, Husband, Explorer - Former CEO Myspace, Userplane, Living Human

Over $2B in exits - Angel in GoodReads, MakerStudios, DogVacay, Scopely, FameBit, Wishbone, DollarShaveClub, DocStoc, Userplane - Current CEO @science

Steve Krausz
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Menlo Park - California, U.S.A.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Neuros Medical: $40700000 (Later stage VC)
  • ShiraTronics: $33000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Arkose Labs:
  • (late stage)
  • Stanford University - GSB Venture Capital Committee:
  • New Focus:
  • Check Point Software Technologies: (early stage)
  • U.S. Venture Partners: (mid stage)
  • USVP:
  • Artlist: (mid stage)
  • KnowBe4: (late stage)
  • Darktrace: (mid stage)
  • ClickTale: (late stage)
  • GetYourGuide: (late stage)
  • OptimalPlus:
  • $50000000 (Series D)
  • $61000000 (Series D)
  • XANT: $61000000 (Series D)
  • XANT: $100000000 (Series C)
  • XANT: $37000000 (Series B)
  • Informed: $20000000 (Series A)
  • AirEye: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Hinge Health: $300000000 (Series D)
  • Hinge Health: (Series Unknown)
  • Hinge Health: $90000000 (Series C)
  • Cato Networks: $77000000 (Series D)
  • Cato Networks: $55000000 (Series C)
  • Cato Networks: $50000000 (Series B)
  • Cato Networks: $20000000 (Series A)
  • prevoty: $13000000 (Series B)
  • Imperva: $13000000 (Series B)
  • Imperva: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Imperva: $20000000 (Series D)
  • Imperva: $17000000 (Series C)
  • Imperva: $12000000 (Series B)
  • InsideSales: $50000000 (Series D)
  • InsideSales: $61000000 (Series D)
  • InsideSales: $100000000 (Series C)
  • InsideSales: $37000000 (Series B)
  • Electric Cloud: $7000000 (Series F)
  • Electric Cloud: $4000000 (Series E)
  • Electric Cloud: $8000000 (Series E)
  • Electric Cloud: $9000000 (Series C)
  • Electric Cloud: $8000000 (Series B)
  • Electric Cloud: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Appthority: $7000000 (Series B)
  • Appthority: $10000000 (Series B)
  • Appthority: $2000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Appthority: $6000000 (Series A)
  • ZEFR: $5000000 (Series E)
  • ZEFR: $30000000 (Series D)
  • ZEFR: $19000000 (Series C)
  • Smartling: $25000000 (Series D)
  • Smartling: $24000000 (Series C)
  • Smartling: $10000000 (Series B)
  • Smartling: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Quixey: $50000000 (Series C)
  • Quixey: $20000000 (Series B)
  • Quixey: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Kaiam: $20000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Kaiam: $5000000 (Series B)
  • Kaiam: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Xirrus: $10000000 (Series F)
  • Xirrus: $24000000 (Series E)
  • Xirrus: $26000000 (Series C)
  • Xirrus: $16000000 (Series B)
  • Box: $25000000 (Series E)
  • Box: $48000000 (Series D)
  • Box: $15000000 (Series C)
  • Box: $7000000 (Series B)
  • Box: $6000000 (Series B)
  • Blekko: $30000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Blekko: $3000000 (Series C)
  • Blekko: $12000000 (Series C)
  • Readyforce: $12000000 (Series A)
  • Force10 Networks: $30000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Force10 Networks: $64000000 (Series F)
  • Force10 Networks: $45000000 (Series E)
  • Force10 Networks: $75000000 (Series D)
  • Force10 Networks: $41000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Force10 Networks: $50000000 (Series B)
  • $4000000 (Series B)
  • Vontu: $10000000 (Series D)
  • Vontu: $10000000 (Series C)
  • Vontu: $15000000 (Series B)
  • Agility Communications: $15000000 (Series E)
  • Agility Communications: $83000000 (Series C)
  • Agility Communications: $70000000 (Series B)
  • Sierra Monolithics: $14000000 (Series A)

Steve Krausz

Menlo Park - California, U.S.A.

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Businesses Solutions • Web Security (& Privacy) • Analytics • Consumer


General Partner at U.S. Venture Partners

General Partner at U.S. Venture Partners

Kevin Swan
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 New York , Seattle , ..., U.S.A. - Canada
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • VendorHawk: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Allocadia: $17000000 (Series B)
  • Allocadia: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Allocadia: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Granify: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Granify: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Granify: (Series Unknown)
  • BASIS Science: $23000000 (Series B)
  • Mitre Media Corp.: $9000000 (Series A)

Kevin Swan

New York - Seattle - San Francisco Bay Area - California, U.S.A. - Canada

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Businesses Solutions • FinTech (& Financials services) • Sales (& Marketing) • IoT (& Wearables) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Analytics • Robotics


Global Private Markets at Shareworks

Most Interested In

I'm most interested in the idea of distributed ownership. This could be for a company, physical good/property or digital asset.

Not Interested In

I don't invest in life sciences, consumer goods and media/content.

Been in a startup, ran a seed fund and now a VC, but an entrepreneur at heart. A Canadian in the Silicon Valley.

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