Germany Startup Ecosystem


Germany boasts one of Europe’s leading startup ecosystems, with Berlin being a major hub for innovation. As of 2023, Germany is home to approximately 20,000 startups. The country benefits from strong government support, excellent infrastructure, and a robust industrial base. In 2022, German startups raised around €12 billion in venture capital funding. These factors collectively highlight Germany's dynamic and rapidly evolving startup landscape.

Size of the Market

As of 2023, Germany's startup ecosystem encompasses around 20,000 startups. In 2022, these startups attracted approximately €12 billion in venture capital funding. This substantial investment underscores the ecosystem's growth potential and robust nature. The market's size and financial backing reflect its capacity to foster innovation and sustain a competitive edge within Europe and beyond.

Key Strengths

Germany's startup ecosystem is characterized by several key strengths, including a strong engineering tradition, high-quality research institutions, and a central location in Europe. The country excels in sectors such as automotive tech, industrial manufacturing, and cleantech. These strengths are bolstered by Germany's robust industrial base and government support, positioning it as a leader in the European startup scene.

Major Hubs

Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg are the primary hubs of Germany’s startup ecosystem. Berlin is renowned for its vibrant tech scene, attracting entrepreneurs from around the world. Munich is a key center for deep tech and industrial startups, benefiting from its proximity to major corporations and research institutions. Hamburg excels in logistics and e-commerce, leveraging its strategic location and strong infrastructure. These cities collectively drive Germany's innovation and economic growth.

Emerging Hubs

In addition to the major cities, emerging hubs like Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Cologne are gaining prominence in Germany’s startup ecosystem. Frankfurt is known for its fintech and financial services, Stuttgart for automotive technology and manufacturing, and Cologne for media and entertainment. These emerging hubs are expanding the reach and diversity of Germany’s entrepreneurial landscape, offering new opportunities for innovation and growth.

Support Systems

Germany’s startup ecosystem benefits from a strong network of incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces that provide essential support and resources for entrepreneurs. Programs like the German Accelerator and the High-Tech Gründerfonds have been instrumental in supporting early-stage startups by providing funding, mentorship, and resources. This supportive infrastructure is crucial for nurturing startups and fostering a collaborative entrepreneurial environment.


Despite its strengths, the German startup ecosystem faces challenges such as bureaucratic hurdles and a relatively risk-averse investment culture. Navigating regulatory frameworks can be time-consuming and complex for startups. Additionally, attracting venture capital can be more difficult compared to more risk-tolerant markets. Addressing these challenges requires strategic efforts and supportive policies to sustain growth and competitiveness.

Opportunities and Future Outlook

Germany has significant opportunities for growth in sectors like automotive tech, industrial manufacturing, and cleantech. The country's strong focus on sustainability and green technology drives innovation in renewable energy and environmental technologies. Germany's strategic location in the heart of Europe provides startups with access to a large market and numerous opportunities for international expansion. With continued investment and innovation, Germany's startup ecosystem is poised for further growth, contributing significantly to the global innovation landscape.

Resilience and Adaptability

Germany's startup ecosystem demonstrates remarkable resilience and adaptability. The country's commitment to innovation, coupled with strong government and institutional support, enables startups to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities. The diverse talent pool and high-quality research institutions attract entrepreneurs and investors alike, ensuring sustained growth and success in the face of global economic shifts and market dynamics.

Angel Investment trends in Germany

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We found 172 VC firms in Germany investing in Sales on Angels Partners

Jens Hilgers
Investing in Sales (& Marketing) • A.I. (& B...
 Berlin, Germany
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • LegalTrek: $100000
  • Quarterback (eSports Platform):
  • So Couch Studios: (early stage)
  • BITKRAFT Ventures: (early stage)
  • BAYES Holding: (early stage)
  • G2 Esports: (early stage)
  • China Venture Labs Ltd.:
  • Progaming Italia Srl: (mid stage)
  • ESL - Turtle Entertainment: (early stage)
  • Gamers Network GbR *acquired by netbrain AG:
  • $28000000 (Series B)
  • $9000000 (Series A)
  • $7000000 (Series A)
  • Carry1st: $27000000 (Series B)
  • Legendary Play: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Legendary Play: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Legendary Play: (Seed)
  • LIV: $9000000 (Series A)
  • GGWP: $12000000 (Seed)
  • LILA Games: $10000000 (Series A)
  • LILA Games: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Bright Star Studios: (Series Unknown)
  • Splash: $21000000 (Series A)
  • Alethea AI: $16000000 (Seed)
  • Yield Guild Games: $4000000 (Series A)
  • Unicorn Workspaces: $7000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Unicorn Workspaces: (Seed)
  • Manticore Games: $100000000 (Series C)
  • Manticore Games: $30000000 (Series B)
  • Manticore Games: $15000000 (Series A)
  • VENN: $26000000 (Series A)
  • VENN: $17000000 (Seed)
  • $10000000 (Series A)
  • $4000000 (Seed)
  • Veritas Entertainment: $10000000 (Series Unknown)
  • femtasy: $3000000 (Seed)
  • F4NTEC: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Roundhill Investments: (Seed)
  • Dorian: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Birdsy: (Pre Seed)
  • The Action Network: $18000000 (Series B)
  • Tonk Tonk Games: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Connexcom: (Pre Seed)
  • Network Next: $3000000 (Seed)
  • FanAI: $3000000 (Seed)
  • $2000000 (Seed)
  • SplitmediaLabs: (Series Unknown)
  • H4X: (Seed)
  • Xbird: (Seed)
  • Xbird: (Pre Seed)
  • Vertical Media: $780000 (Series Unknown)

Jens Hilgers

Berlin, Germany

Investing In

Sales (& Marketing) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Gaming (& eSports) • Mobile Apps • Consumer


Serial Entrepreneur in Esports since 1997

Jens Hilgers is a Co-Owner of G2 Esports. He is also a Co-Founder of Dojo Madness and served as its Chief Executive Officer. Prior to this, he Owned and Co-Founded Turtle Entertainment and served as its Chairman. Jens Hilgers served as the Chief Executive Officer of Geewa. He also served as Chief Executive Officer at GIGA Digital Television. He holds a degree from Bildungszentrum fuer Informationsverarbeitende Berufe.

Tom Horsey
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Malta, Malta - Europe: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Norway, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Iceland, Monaco
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • StartupLabs Malta:
  • Brainity:
  • (early stage)
  • HOMYHUB: (mid stage)
  • Transeop: (mid stage)
  • AlgaYield: (early stage)
  • Avocado Labs Decision Making S.L.: (early stage)
  • CheKin:
  • Ciclogreen: (early stage)
  • Foodyt: (early stage)
  • StartupLabs Spain:
  • Ad-Lib: (early stage)
  • Binfluencer: (early stage)
  • Happy Box: (early stage)
  • Myplayz: (mid stage)
  • QaShops: (mid stage)
  • Workkola Inc.: (early stage)
  • Xesol Innovation: (mid stage)
  • Connected Car Solutions: (early stage)
  • (early stage)
  • AGILIA CENTER: (early stage)
  • Connected Mobility HUB: (early stage)
  • Fheel Advertising, SL: (early stage)
  • Güelcom: (early stage)
  • opensalud:
  • Checkealos: (early stage)
  • Theglobalpassword: (early stage)
  • Crazy4Media Venture Capital:
  • i2Factory:
  • mammamobile:
  • Tintorerías El Oso Polar:
  • Crazy4Media Group: (early stage)
  • Varilla Energía Solar:
  • Publicidad Interactiva 2006:
  • Froggie S.L.:
  • Mas Leads: $220000 (Pre Seed)
  • aunoa: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Playoffnations: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Intelia: $580000 (Series Unknown)
  • hotelbreak: $620000 (Seed)
  • Nominis: $200000 (Seed)
  • Ordatic: $610000 (Seed)
  • Cafler: $950000 (Pre Seed)
  • Delitbee: (Pre Seed)
  • Delitbee: $61000 (Pre Seed)
  • Mox: $70000 (Pre Seed)
  • OpenWebinars: $110000 (Angel)

Tom Horsey

Malta, Malta - Europe: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Norway, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Iceland, Monaco

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Education • AgroTech • Sales (& Marketing) • CleanTech • A.I. (& Big Data) • Gaming (& eSports) • Advertising • Logistics (& Distribution) • Messaging • Mobility


Co-Founder & CMO at Mox

Most Interested In

Digital marketing and mobility/transportation companies based in Spain.

Not Interested In

Companies not based in Spain, Singapore, Portugal or Malta.

Andreas Mihalovits
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Munich , Marketing au..., Spain
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Airning: (mid stage)
  • BETAFASHION: (early stage)
  • Bikemap: (mid stage)
  • Booh Food:
  • Gamestry: (early stage)
  • New Nordic School: (mid stage)
  • Reposit: (mid stage)
  • StoryTerrace: (late stage)
  • Submer: (mid stage)
  • Taledo: (mid stage)
  • Tymit: (mid stage)
  • Urbanitae: (mid stage)
  • Chicisimo - Automating outfit advice: (late stage)
  • Cognism: (mid stage)
  • Gudog: (late stage)
  • OrbitalAds: (mid stage)
  • Trucksters: (early stage)
  • Baluwo: (early stage)
  • BNEXT: (early stage)
  • CheKin:
  • Click & Grow: (late stage)
  • Footters: (early stage)
  • GeoCV: (mid stage)
  • ICM Hub Inc. (Techstars '17): (early stage)
  • JobUFO GmbH: (early stage)
  • Joinup: (late stage)
  • Mox: (early stage)
  • PLD Space: (late stage)
  • Beroomers: (mid stage)
  • BuscoExtra: (early stage)
  • BUX: (mid stage)
  • Demium Startups: (mid stage)
  • Entrenarme: (mid stage)
  • Etergo: (mid stage)
  • Glassy Pro: (mid stage)
  • Global Super Angels Club: (early stage)
  • Lola Market:
  • Mr Jeff:
  • PadelManager: (mid stage)
  • Total Trivia: (early stage)
  • (early stage)
  • Hero Gaming: (early stage)
  • PromineoStudios: (mid stage)
  • Readly: (early stage)
  • Mitrados GmbH & Co. KG:
  • Tactile Entertainment: (mid stage)
  • Tesla: (late stage)
  • dreamfab GmbH & Co. KG: (early stage)
  • Maxoma GmbH & Co. KG:
  • ShortBooks GmbH & Co. KG:
  • ShortNews GmbH & Co. KG: (late stage)
  • Omniga GmbH & Co. KG: (early stage)
  • BRICKBRO: $5000000 (Series A)
  • BRICKBRO: $1000000 (Seed)
  • BRICKBRO: $280000 (Angel)
  • Xceed: $2000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Tuvalum: $3000000 (Series A)
  • Qoala: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Qoala: $990000 (Seed)
  • Qoala: $240000 (Pre Seed)
  • box2box: $1000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Kapaga: $2000000 (Seed)
  • offUgo: $640000 (Seed)
  • HARBIZ (formerly DudyFit): $3000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Sheetgo: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Nware: $1000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Masters: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Alef Aeronautics: (Seed)
  • WFHomie: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Picker: $2000000 (Seed)
  • HearMe: $360000 (Seed)
  • CeleBreak: $580000 (Seed)
  • Distributed: $7000000 (Series A)
  • PromoRepublic: $2000000 (Seed)
  • PromoRepublic: (Seed)
  • Sponsoo: $2000000 (Series A)
  • Sponsoo: $500000 (Convertible Note)
  • Juggle Jobs: $15000000 (Series C)
  • Taalentfy: $580000 (Seed)
  • Taalentfy: (Seed Round)
  • Taalentfy: $450000 (Seed)
  • Reloadly: $1000000 (Seed)
  • FROGED: $500000 (Seed)
  • Bag on Board: $3000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Bag on Board: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Bag on Board: $340000 (Pre Seed)
  • Homyspace: (Seed Round)
  • Nannyfy: (Seed Round)
  • Doinn: (Seed Round)
  • Doinn: $350000 (Convertible Note)
  • Homyhub: (Seed Round)
  • Influencity: (Seed Round)
  • MUROEXE: (Seed Round)
  • XCEED: (Seed Round)
  • BDEO: (Seed Round)
  • Atexto: $710000 (Seed)
  • Catevering: $550000 (Seed)
  • UMNAI: $1000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Muroexe: $1000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Mr. Noow: $1000000 (Seed)
  • ObjectBox: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Blinkfire Analytics: $2000000 (Series A)
  • Easy Payment Gateway: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Easy Payment Gateway: $2000000 (Series A)
  • Visualizer: $560000 (Angel)
  • Valeet: $670000 (Seed)
  • Furgo: (Seed)
  • Comprea: $270000 (Debt Financing)
  • Comprea: $430000 (Seed)
  • SKARA The Blade Remins: (Series A)
  • Tinitell: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Tinitell: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Boolino: (Angel)
  • Promineo studios: $350000 (Seed)

Andreas Mihalovits

Munich - Marketing automation, Spain

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Hospitality (& Events) • FinTech (& Financials services) • Retail (& E-Commerce) • Sales (& Marketing) • CleanTech • A.I. (& Big Data) • Gaming (& eSports) • Analytics • Logistics (& Distribution)


Angel Investor / Co-Founder Global Super Angels Club

Most Interested In

B2C Subscription Services

Not Interested In


Damir Becirovic
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Salt Lake City , Bost..., U.S.A. - Canada - Europe: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Norway, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Icelan
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Climax Foods: $44017000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Starburst Data: $118000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Fast (Application Software): $102000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Wealthfront: $75000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Duo Security: $70000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Kano Computing: $28000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Figma: $25000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Built Technologies, Inc.: $21000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Behavox: $20000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Less: $19000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Homebell: $11000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Scoop Technologies: $10600000 (Early stage VC)
  • Trouva: $10000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Spendesk: $8000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Gremlin Inc: $7500000 (Early stage VC)
  • Linear: $4200000 (Early stage VC)
  • Supersolid: $4000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Pitch Software:
  • Nacelle: (early stage)
  • Stealth Fintech Company:
  • Rec Room: (mid stage)
  • BrightGo: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Siro: $14000000 (Series A)
  • Siro: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Boulevard: $70000000 (Series C)
  • Boulevard: $27000000 (Series B)
  • Boulevard: $11000000 (Series A)
  • Okendo: $26000000 (Series A)
  • Okendo: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Beam Impact: $13000000 (Series A)
  • Backbone: $40000000 (Series A)
  • Pepper: $16000000 (Series A)
  • Bird: $100000000 (Series B)

Damir Becirovic

Salt Lake City - Boston - Seattle - Los Angeles - San Francisco Bay Area - California, U.S.A. - Canada - Europe: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Norway, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Icelan

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Hospitality (& Events) • Businesses Solutions • Retail (& E-Commerce) • Sales (& Marketing) • A.I. (& Big Data) • HealthTech (& Fitness) • Healthcare (& Wellness) • Online Social • Consumer


Principal at Index Ventures

Most Interested In

New consumer services or experiences. Workflow applications that are adopted by the end-user, especially in non-desk environments.

Not Interested In

Healthcare / life sciences, infrastructure, security.

Paul Klemm
Investing in PropTech • Businesses Solutions...
 Munich - Berlin, Germany
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • UiPath: $30000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Movinga: $22000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Convargo: $16000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Enevo: $12000000 (Later stage VC)
  • ShapeShift AG: $10400000 (Early stage VC)
  • Curio (Publishing): $9000000 (Early stage VC)
  • Alesi Surgical: $6000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Videdressing: $5400000 (Later stage VC)
  • CrossEngage: $5000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Bitwala: $4660000 (Early stage VC)
  • Energy Robotics: $2440000 (Seed Round)
  • (Other)
  • DCS FAST LINK (dcs plus): (Later stage VC)
  • Aiven: (mid stage)
  • SimScale GmbH: (late stage)
  • Targomo: (mid stage)
  • Ripe: $2000000 (Pre Seed)
  • edyoucated: $2000000 (Seed)

Paul Klemm

Munich - Berlin, Germany

Investing In

PropTech • Businesses Solutions • Sales (& Marketing) • CleanTech • Aerospace (& Defense) • Real Estate (& Construction)


Principal at Earlybird Venture Capital

Most Interested In IndustrialTech

Christoph Schuh
Investing in Sales (& Marketing) • Entertain...
 Berlin, Germany - U.K.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Opendoor: $725000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Oscar: $140000000 (Later stage VC)
  • $29500000 (Later stage VC)
  • ShapeShift Blockchain:
  • scoutbee: (mid stage)
  • GetYourGuide:
  • Mapify Travel: (early stage)
  • sennder GmbH: (mid stage)
  • HomeToGo: (mid stage)
  • Lakestar LP: (mid stage)
  • Marley Spoon: (mid stage)
  • (early stage)
  • Onefootball: (late stage)
  • PRIORI DATA: (mid stage)
  • Tomorrow Focus AG: (early stage)
  • Dexory: $19000000 (Series A)
  • Dexory: $13000000 (Seed)
  • Streetbees: $40000000 (Series B)
  • Impala: $20000000 (Series B)

Christoph Schuh

Berlin, Germany - U.K.

Investing In

Sales (& Marketing) • Entertainment (& Sports) • Mobile • Mobility


Investment Partner at Lakestar - Venture Capital

Partner at Lakestar

David Mes
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 London , San Francisc..., U.S.A. - Germany - U.K. - Israel - France
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • otto-js: $5000000 (Seed)
  • AON3D - Industrial Additive Manufacturing Solutions: $2000000 (Seed)
  • BaseVenture: $3000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Swarm Vision: $500000 (Pre Seed)
  • RankMyApp: (Seed)
  • Walnut Algorithms: (Seed)
  • Voxeet: (Seed)
  • SkyLights: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Witty Inc.: (Angel)
  • OneKloud: $250000 (Convertible Note)
  • Trusted Insight: (Series A)
  • FR8Star: $4000000 (Series A)
  • FR8Star: $900000 (Seed)
  • Zerply: (Seed)
  • Alchemy: $1000000 (Seed)

David Mes

London - San Francisco Bay Area - California, U.S.A. - Germany - U.K. - Israel - France

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Businesses Solutions • FinTech (& Financials services) • Sales (& Marketing) • Web Security (& Privacy) • Analytics • Cloud Services (& Infrastructure) • Developer tools


Most Interested In

Promising B2B technology companies. Key focus: SaaS / enterprise software, fintech, AI.

Not Interested In

Life sciences, capital intensive projects, B2C.

David Mes is a Co-Founder and serves as Managing Partner at Off The Grid Ventures. He also serves as a Venture Partner at US Invest LLC. He was a Co-Founder of Arc Venture Partners and served as a Managing Partner.

Ari Korhonen
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Helsinki, Finland - Europe: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Norway, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Iceland, Monac
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Polantis: (early stage)
  • PrimaDiag SAS: (early stage)
  • Komartek Oyj:
  • Videobot: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Laserhub: (Series B)
  • Klevu: $12000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Klevu: $6000000 (Series A)
  • Flashnode: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Surveypal: $1000000 (Seed)

Ari Korhonen

Helsinki, Finland - Europe: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Norway, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Iceland, Monac

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Businesses Solutions • FinTech (& Financials services) • Sales (& Marketing) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Payments


Angel investor and entrepreneur

Investor and Senior Advisor at Spintop Ventures

Entrepreneur @komartek (sold to @wm-data, nowadays @cgi). Angel investor. Investments to 30 companies. Three angel exits. Advisor Spintop Ventures. M. Sc. LUT

Christoph Janz
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 London , San Francisc..., Germany - U.K. - France
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • PINKFARMS: $550000
  • $42000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Typeform: $35000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Contentful: $28000000 (Later stage VC)
  • GoSpotCheck: $21500000 (Later stage VC)
  • Brainly: $14000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Finiata: $10000000 (Early stage VC)
  • CallDesk: $2500000 (Later stage VC)
  • Tier Mobility: $2330000 (Seed Round)
  • ChartMogul: $2200000 (Later stage VC)
  • Chainalysis Bitbond:
  • Creatopy: $10000000 (Series A)
  • Polar Analytics: $9000000 (Series A)
  • GOURMEY: $48000000 (Series A)
  • GOURMEY: $10000000 (Seed)
  • Mavenoid: $30000000 (Series B)
  • Mavenoid: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Mavenoid: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Lottielab: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Athenian: $6000000 (Seed)
  • Juro: $23000000 (Series B)
  • Juro: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Juro: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Juro: $750000 (Seed)
  • Factorial: $80000000 (Series B)
  • Factorial: $16000000 (Series A)
  • Factorial: $3000000 (Seed)
  • NexHealth: $31000000 (Series B)
  • NexHealth: $15000000 (Series A)
  • NexHealth: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Whereby: $12000000 (Series A)
  • CloudTalk: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Back: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Back: (Pre Seed)
  • Automile: $34000000 (Series B)
  • Automile: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Automile: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Algolia: $53000000 (Series B)
  • Algolia: $18000000 (Series A)
  • Algolia: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Loom: $3000000 (Seed)
  • SaaStock: (Series A)
  • Hull: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Server Density: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Server Density: $300000 (Angel)
  • Server Density: $220000 (Angel)
  • HipWay: $3000000 (Angel)
  • FinanceAcar: (Series A)
  • Geckoboard: $300000 (Seed)
  • Gengo: $750000 (Seed)
  • Propertybase: (Series A)
  • FreeAgent: $150000 (Pre Seed)

Christoph Janz

London - San Francisco Bay Area - Berlin, Germany - U.K. - France

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • Businesses Solutions • Sales (& Marketing) • Analytics • Developer tools • Impact • Local commerce • Woman Focused


SaaSicionado. First investor in Zendesk, Algolia, Contentful, Typeform,...

Most Interested In

Vertical SaaS, bottom-up land & expand, strong tech co-founders, startups from all around the world

Not Interested In

Copycats. Over-hyped pre-seed rounds.

Christoph Janz is a Co-Founder and serves as Partner at Point Nine Capital. Janz is an Angel Investor. He also serves as a Board Member at FreeAgent Holdings and Qwilr. Before co-founding Point Nine Capital in 2011, Christoph was active as a private angel investor, working together closely with Team Europe on a variety of investments. Prior to that, Christoph co-founded several software and Internet startups, including comparison shopping engine (funded by Bertelsmann, acquired by and personalized startpage Pageflakes (funded by Balderton Capital, acquired by LiveUniverse). With investments in Zendesk, FreeAgent Central, Clio, Propertybase and other highly successful SaaS companies Christoph is a recognized expert in the field of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Christoph Janz serves as Board Member at ShiftPlanning, mention, Contentful, Propertybase and Zendesk. He also serves on Board of

Rouven Dresselhaus
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 Berlin, Germany
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Next Caller: $10570000
  • Vamp: $260000
  • Reaction Commerce: $9000000 (Series A)
  • Reaction Commerce: $3000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Inkitt: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Inkitt: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Meine Spielzeugkiste: (Series A)
  • Meine Spielzeugkiste: (Seed)
  • Winc: $18000000 (Series B)
  • Daily Ride: (Series Unknown)
  • Getsafe: $5000000 (Seed)
  • Fishbrain: $8000000 (Series A)
  • DemoUp: (Seed)
  • Medlanes: (Seed)
  • AirHelp: $220000 (Seed)
  • TVSmiles: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Itembase: $3000000 (Series A)
  • Datapine: (Series A)
  • Vice Golf: (Seed)
  • FOUNDD: $350000 (Angel)
  • Happy Kidz: (Series A)
  • simplesurance: (Seed)
  • Eduvee: (Seed)
  • Tradeshift: $17000000 (Series B)
  • friendfund: (Angel)

Rouven Dresselhaus

Berlin, Germany

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • PropTech • FinTech (& Financials services) • Sales (& Marketing) • Cosmetics (& Fashion) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Blockchain (& Cryptos) • Advertising • Logistics (& Distribution) • Real Estate (& Construction) • Productivity


Most Interested In

Founders who are pursuing daring projects. Big vision & able to deliver on the nitty gritty parts. Currently AI/ML, big data, process innovation.

Not Interested In

(e/m) commerce companies, pure adtech plays, hardware only firms

Rouven Dresselhaus serves as Co-Founding Partner & Managing Partner at Cavalry Ventures. Dresselhaus serves as Managing Director at Voltage Ventures. Prior to Voltage Ventures, Rouven has invested in more than 35 companies worldwide. He is the go-to guy for our portfolio companies whenever they need strategic advice, input on their product, network and fundraising. Rouven's academic career ended when he dropped out of WHU's Ph.D. program in order to pursue his passion in Venture Capital.

Jag Singh
Investing in Sales (& Marketing) • A.I. (& B...
 London - Berlin, Germany - U.K.
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • METRO Xcel: (early stage)
  • Release Platform: (early stage)
  • rtobjects:
  • Scoop Retail: (early stage)
  • Collider: (early stage)
  • Ignite Accelerator: (mid stage)
  • Pixoneye: (early stage)
  • Strateusis:
  • YouFundMe:
  • MessageSpace: (early stage)
  • SympliFi: $120000 (Pre Seed Round)
  • Lightning Social Ventures: $120000 (Pre Seed Round)
  • 150 Minuten: (Seed)
  • Opna: $7000000 (Seed)
  • Devo: (Seed)
  • Penzilla GmbH: $3000000 (Seed)
  • GAIA: (Pre Seed)
  • Konfetti: $2000000 (Seed)
  • $4000000 (Seed)
  • Widgetbook: (Pre Seed)
  • Surfboard: $5000000 (Seed)
  • handly: $1000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Howbout: $2000000 (Seed)
  • The Companion: (Pre Seed)
  • onyo: $750000 (Pre Seed)
  • Cuvama: $1000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Xeno: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Superglue: (Seed)
  • Codio Impact: (Pre Seed)
  • UpSure: (Pre Seed)
  • beams: (Convertible Note)
  • Sourcery: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Sourcery: $120000 (Pre Seed)
  • SportsIcon: $6000000 (Seed)
  • Halm: (Pre Seed)
  • Machinery Partner: $5000000 (Seed)
  • The bina School: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Bippit: (Pre Seed)
  • Restack: (Pre Seed)
  • Faredirect: $120000 (Pre Seed)
  • Lightning Reach: $120000 (Pre Seed)
  • $120000 (Pre Seed)
  • Mockmate: $120000 (Pre Seed)
  • Enzyme: $120000 (Pre Seed)
  • LabBox: $120000 (Seed)
  • Creatext: $120000 (Pre Seed)
  • Anytype: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Anytype: $120000 (Pre Seed)
  • MedEngine: (Pre Seed)
  • Grandpal: $120000 (Pre Seed)
  • Recroot: (Pre Seed)
  • Bitback: $120000 (Pre Seed)
  • bestselfy: (Pre Seed)
  • Mello: (Pre Seed)
  • Highre: (Pre Seed)
  • Swayed: $20000 (Pre Seed)
  • (Pre Seed)
  • Beelinguapp: (Pre Seed)
  • Eversend: $150000 (Pre Seed)
  • Eversend: $25000 (Pre Seed)
  • Coconut: $2000000 (Equity Crowdfunding)
  • NeuroApplied: $120000 (Pre Seed)
  • FLYT: $150000 (Seed)
  • Stylindex: (Seed)
  • Messly: $380000 (Angel)
  • Stashbee: $380000 (Angel)
  • Zazu Africa: $200000 (Seed)
  • $170000 (Angel)
  • Pana: $1000000 (Seed)
  • SoundFocus: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Spire Global: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Nutmeg: $5000000 (Series A)

Jag Singh

London - Berlin, Germany - U.K.

Investing In

Sales (& Marketing) • A.I. (& Big Data) • Web Security (& Privacy) • Advertising • Developer tools • Consumer


Early-stage angel investor, looking for high-growth startups and companies in Europe/US. Techstars Managing Director

Jag Singh serves as Managing Director at Techstars. Singh is a Co-Founder of MessageSpace. He also serves as a Senior Partner at Strateusis. He's founded several companies, and invested in over 70 startups over the last six years, including two that went through Techstars accelerators. He's an ad-man at heart, and spent a decade as a political strategist advising high-profile politicians, campaigns and corporations across the US and Europe.

Target Global
Investing in Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) &b...
 , Germany
  • main investor picture
  • main investor picture
    Mikhail Lobanov
    General Partner
  • main investor picture
    Yaron Valler
  • main investor picture
    Gilad Engel
  • main investor picture
    Lina Chong
  • main investor picture
    Bao-Y Van Cong
  • main investor picture
    Heiko Dimmerling
  • main investor picture
    Jorge Fontúrbel Sáez
  • main investor picture
    Khalil Hefaf
  • main investor picture
    Dana Bublil
  • main investor picture
    Ricardo Schäfer
  • main investor picture
    Jonas Kern
Investor Picture
Previous Investments
  • Dreamlines: $18000000 (Later stage VC)
  • DocPlanner: $15000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Smartfrog: $15000000 (Early stage VC)
  • BOOK A TIGER: $8000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Lemoncat GmbH: $6000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Klarx: $4660000 (Early stage VC)
  • Missbeez: $4000000 (Later stage VC)
  • AUTO1 Group: $360000000 (Later stage VC)
  • Mosa Meat: $75000000 (Later stage VC)
  • VATBox: $20000000 (Later stage VC)
  • 3Commas: $37000000 (Series B)
  • XanPool: $41000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Lapse: $1000000 (Seed)
  • Rapyd: $300000000 (Series E)
  • Mercuryo: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Mercuryo: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Osome: $16000000 (Series A)
  • Osome: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Osome: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Copper: $51000000 (Series B)
  • Copper: $8000000 (Series A)
  • Finom: $12000000 (Seed)
  • Finom: $7000000 (Seed)
  • BestDoctor: $5000000 (Series B)
  • BestDoctor: $3000000 (Series A)
  • omni:us: $22000000 (Series A)
  • omni:us: $20000000 (Series A)
  • Service Partner ONE: (Series B)
  • Service Partner ONE: (Series A)
  • Blackmoon Financial Group: $3000000 (Series Unknown)
  • Prosper Marketplace: (Secondary Market)
  • Fyber - A Digital Turbine Company: (Secondary Market)
  • MixVille: $2000000 (Non Equity Assistance)
  • MixVille: (Series Unknown)
  • MixVille: $1000000 (Series A)
  • TimePad: (Series B)
  • BABADU: $2000000 (Series A)
  • Crisp: $38000000 (Series C)
  • Crisp: $73000000 (Series C)
  • Crisp: $36000000 (Series B)
  • elopage: $38000000 (Series A)
  • Komment: $1000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Odin: $3000000 (Seed)
  • $11000000 (Series A)
  • Edukoya: $4000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Kippa: $3000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Gamestry: $5000000 (Seed)
  • VersionEye: $130000 (Seed)
  • Conatix: $66000 (Seed)
  • Communion: $3000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Enter: $15000000 (Series A)
  • Fintecture: $25000000 (Series A)
  • Fintecture: $7000000 (Seed)
  • Justhome: $3000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Indicina: $3000000 (Seed)
  • Kapaga: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Casava: $4000000 (Pre Seed)
  • Jefa: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Kuda: $55000000 (Series B)
  • Kuda: $25000000 (Series A)
  • Kuda: $10000000 (Seed)
  • Cobee: $17000000 (Series A)
  • Cobee: $2000000 (Seed)
  • Revolut: $800000000 (Series E)
  • Revolut: $66000000 (Series B)
  • Revolut: (Series A)
  • DABBEL: $4000000 (Seed)
  • Zepto: (Seed)
  • Thriva: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Housfy: $7000000 (Series A)
  • Housfy: $800000 (Seed)
  • Nested: $48000000 (Series B)
  • Habito: $24000000 (Series B)
  • TheGuarantors: $12000000 (Series A)
  • Zencargo: (Seed)
  • Triplemint: $5000000 (Series A)
  • Finimize: (Pre Seed)
  • OTA Insight: (Seed)
  • We Got POP: $660000 (Seed)
  • OpenSensors: (Seed)
  • Maven Clinic: (Seed)

Target Global

, Germany

Investing In

Software (Web Marketplace Saas..) • BioTech • Businesses Solutions • FinTech (& Financials services) • Retail (& E-Commerce) • Sales (& Marketing) • IoT (& Wearables) • CleanTech • A.I. (& Big Data) • HealthTech (& Fitness) • Web Security (& Privacy) • Analytics • Cloud Services (& Infrastructure) • Food & Beverage • Impact • Logistics (& Distribution) • Medical Devices (& Hospital Services) • Aerospace (& Defense) • Real Estate (& Construction) • DeepTech • Healthcare (& Wellness) • Investment Management • LegalTech • Mobile • Mobility • Consumer • Restaurants


Target Global is a venture capital firm that seeks to make early, growth and later stage investments in companies operating in the consumer product and services, e-commerce, travel, mobile, information technology and retail sectors. The firm prefers to invest $200-500k in seed stage deals, $1-5M in early stage deals and $5-50M in growth stage deals. Target Global was founded in 2012 and is based in Berlin, Germany.

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Taylor Matter - Founder & CEO, Hurdle Apparel

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"Met really good investors who invested in Prynt, that I wouldn’t have met otherwise. Angels Partners helped us close our round quicker and with the right people."

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