
The Secret Behind European VC Funds Outperforming US Counterparts

In recent times, there have been discussions around the performance of European venture capital relative to its American counterpart. Private market data from Cambridge Associates has shown that Europ...


Sell SaaS Success Story

Meet Sell SaaS, a platform designed to assist entrepreneurs in establishing their own customized lead-generation system by adopting a white branding approach. By utilizing this solution, entrepreneurs...


New York Angel Investors

New York City is world-renowned for many things, and the exceptional business community is no exception. As the center of world trade, it is inevitable that many entrepreneurs flock to the city, wheth...


AWA Success Story

AWA is a consumer product brand based in New York City, USA that creates water carbonators so that you can create your sodas at home. It allows consumers to make carbonated beverages in various flavor...


The Best Investor Relations Tools

Investors play a massive role in the success of any company, and as such, it is essential to ensure your company-investor relationship is strong with complete transparency and trust. This is called 'I...


Angels Partners helps The MVMNT Group raise $250k for Saas product

  Based in Chicago, U.S.A, The MVMNT Group is a software and web company with the ultimate fundraising success story that any startup would dream of. After contacting investors from the Angels P...


Executive Summary vs Pitch Deck

As you begin to approach investors, there will be several documents you must hand in. Most notably, the Executive Summary and the Pitch Deck. Many people, however, are confused about these two documen...


How to Write Cold Emails

Securing funding is a vital part of the startup ecosystem, and one of the most polar ways to do this is by contacting Venture Capitalists (VCs). However, due to the massive volume of startups doing th...


Start-Up One-Pager

There are many supplies and resources you will need to create for your startups, such as financial presentations, that all-important pitch deck, or your one-pager. While not a strict requirement, a on...


How to Value a Startup Company With No Revenue

You will face several tricky issues at the beginning of your startup journey. A considerable one of these is how to value a startup company with no revenue. This is key as potential investors will hav...

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