Connect with startup founders and benefit from mutual help

Research and connect with relevant startup founders in your industry, stage, and location, and expand your network. Connect on a personal level and benefit from mutual help.

This community is FREE to join!

Founders Community

Connect with relevant founders within the Angels Partners community and exchange investors' introductions with each others.

Search for other startup founders within your industry, stage and location who are also fundraising and benefit from mutual help.

You can set your conditions, and pre-screen fellow founders before connecting on a personal level, via video calls or in person.

founders community
Founder Community profile

Exchange investor introductions

Connect on a personal level with other startup founders and, if you feel like it, you can exchange introductions to investors and help each other out.

Each founder will have the ability to set their conditions and pre-screen fellow founders before connecting on a personal level, via video calls or in person.

Getting a warm introduction from another founder is one of the best way to get in touch with an investor. So take advantage of it!

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Connect with investors & startup founders

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32 New Startups Started their fundraising over the last 7 days