The New Partnership Between Upperise And Angels Partners

November 11th, 2022

Angels Partners are delighted to announce its new partnership with Upperise. It will help the most promising startups gain momentum in gaining funding from the ideal investor.

Upperise is a successful SaaS platform backed by the Perffin-Upperise investment fund, which currently manages $100 million in capital. Then this allows them to provide a lead investment to high-potential, early-stage businesses.

What is Upperise?

What is Upperise?

The cutting-edge technology developed by Upperise evaluates the growth potential and risk level of startups. Once the system considers these aspects, the startup is then given a number rating by the platform to help investors make an informed decision on investments. This, combined with the impactful coaching offered by the Upperrise team, allows investors to easily find better investment opportunities.

What is Angels Partners?

What is Angels Partners?

Angels Partners is a platform that connects startups with the right investors by providing access to a large community of internal investors and a database with over 100K investors. In addition, the powerful campaign tool allows you to automate your outreach with full tracking capabilities so you know how your campaign is performing; this makes what can often be a tedious task straightforward.

How will this partnership help startups and investors?

How will this partnership help startups and investors?

The synergy between Upperise and Angels Partners will allow companies and investors to find and follow up on investments to close the round faster. As a result, well-prepared and knowledgeable companies will see the most success.

The intelligent process and the coaching provided will help companies improve their pitch deck and standing successfully. In terms of the company's maturity, a specific coaching process has been implemented to ensure they reach the investors’ needs.

“It is so much easier to find investors when your lead investor is doing the job for you! This is what we set up with this partnership, you can receive fundraising support from Upperise and they will then directly contact investors for you on Angels Partners, you cannot find a better deal than that!”

We currently accept companies from all verticals, providing the business’ base is in the European Union, United Kingdom, or the United States.

This is where Angels Partner steps in, helping investors in their search for ambitious and likely to succeed startups.

Our selection process is rigorous and the matchmaking is affinity based to ensure each meeting is qualified and of economic interest to both parties.


About the author

Yohann Merran

Yohann has a successful track record in founding startups as well as senior management experience at top software companies. He is a mentor with a passion to inspire, educate and support individuals in their quest for increased performance, confidence and

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